Rotary Club of Sint Maarten
About Our Club

We are Club 6773 of District 7020 in Zone 34, located on the Dutch side of the smallest island under two nations (Dutch & French).
In September 1970 a meeting was held through the efforts of both the Curacao and Guadeloupe clubs to form a provisional Rotary Club of St. Maarten.
The Charter was issued on March 17, 1972 and presented to the club.
St. Maarten was the site of the first District Assembly (then under District 404) when districts were first implemented in Rotary.
Since its inception, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of four new clubs in the District:
Anguilla (1978)
St. Martin Nord (1988)
St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997)
St. Martin Sunrise (2004)
The St. Maarten Rotary Club has hosted three District Assemblies and Conferences and two members have served as District Governors:
The Charter was issued on March 17, 1972 and presented to the club.
St. Maarten was the site of the first District Assembly (then under District 404) when districts were first implemented in Rotary.
Since its inception, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of four new clubs in the District:
Anguilla (1978)
St. Martin Nord (1988)
St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997)
St. Martin Sunrise (2004)
The St. Maarten Rotary Club has hosted three District Assemblies and Conferences and two members have served as District Governors:
Aadu Abel 1987/1988
Reinier Heere 1996/97
Rotary Club of St Martin/St Maarten
Original charter membersRobert Bailly Gregory Biaux Ben Cramer Bob de Nike Elie Fleming Louis C Fleming Richard Gibson Daniel Hodge George Lake Jose Lake Frernand Mallard Frank Mingo Dirk Jan Molanus Bill Nichols Prosper Pagesy Raymond Petit Nestor Petit Albert M Richardson Jose Speetjens Spam Van Spanje Cees Verschuur Henri Vialenc Milton Wilkinson