Final word form the President 2012-2013
What a year it has been and in retrospect it has gone by quickly.
Once again due to our participation we successfully accomplished a great fund raising event; distributed some 700 dictionaries to 3rd grade students in 16 schools; re-activated MPC Interact & continued the strong showings at our other 2 clubs; distributed our annual Xmas baskets to the needy; held another eventful Xmas party for some less privileged children; entertained Seniors at their lagoon cruise; supplied a number of schools with water fountains; provided the library with needed computers; held field trips for the persons and staff at Sister Basilia; showed support for the caregivers at White & Yellow cross with hosting them to lunch; provided breakfast for needy children at a primary school; continued with our Alzheimer’s awareness program; assisted Junior Golf by providing an iPad; helped St Dominic’s students travel to Haiti on field trip; even coaxed the President into signing at the change of board; and who could forget RYLA. This is not all encompassing as I have missed a few.
My fellow Rotarians these are some of our deeds for the community and we must be proud to be part of these givings. Proud because it is not just the money but the effort provided by all.
The responsibility of the President should never be taken lightly and all of us must also remember that the task is not easy. Our club is blessed in that we have a number of active members as Past Presidents and the wisdom / experience available for guidance and assistance is mind boggling. This experience / knowledge is there for the pickings and it would be beneficial to all the new and not so new members to use these resources for the betterment of our club. With the participation of all club members the task of the Board becomes easy. We have 35 members and as a group we can accomplish even more.
Remember your involvement in the Rotary Club of St Maarten is not just a weekly lunch meeting but is part of your commitment to fellowship, to service above self and integrity.
I thank you all for your support during this year and to the Board members an extra special thank you. Let us make next year an even more successful year and all participate to change lives.
I leave you with recital of the 4Way test:
Is it the Truth
Is it Fair to all concerned
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned
Oh yeah- almost forget- AND “will each and every one of us live this motto in each and every interaction every day”.
Thank you all. Robert Judd- President 2012-2103