Rotary Club of St Maarten Continues to Serve the Island

Rotary Club of St Maarten Continues to Serve the Island![]() ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN CONTINUES TO SERVE THE ISLAND, INDUCTS NEW BOARD, NAMES ROTARIANS OF THE YEAR, AND NAMES NEW PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS Kishore Idnani, Stephen Thompson and Elisia Lake Honored Laura Hartman Inducted as Rotarian PHILIPSBURG, ST MAARTEN – July 15, 2024 – The Rotary Club of St. Maarten held its annual Change of Board on July 10, 2024 at the Rotary Clubhouse in Belair with a small intimate gathering of close friends and Rotarians. Jeffrey "Dr. Soc" Sochrin will continue as President for the new Rotary year that began on July 1, 2024. Joining Sochrin on the Board of Directors is MP Sarah Wescot-Williams as Secretary, Kishore Idnani as Vice President of Club Service, Robert Judd as Treasurer, Stephen Thompson as Foundation Chair, James Ferris as Immediate Past President and Interact Chair, Danny Ramchandani as Fundraising Chair, Melanie Daboul as Public Image Chair, Adelena Chandler as Wellness Chair and Laura Hartman as Disaster Relief Chair. The Board was administered the oath of office by Rotary District 7020 Assistant Governor Elisia L. Lake. During the ceremony, Sochrin recognized two Rotarians that were constantly by his side to provide counsel, advice and guidance. He named Past Assistant Governor and Foundation Chair Stephen Thompson and Vice President of Club Service Kishore Idnani, as "Rotarians of the Year". Sochrin went on to say, "Both of these gentlemen have been with me every step of the way during this past year. I am proud to call them both friends, and name them Rotarians of the Year." In addition to being named Disaster Relief Chair, Laura Hartman was inducted as a new member of the Club. Hartman is a retired Professor and lawyer from DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. She has called Sint Maarten home since 2016 and leads the School of Choice in Haiti. President Sochrin said, "Laura Hartman will be a magnificent addition to the Rotary Club of St. Maarten. She has already made a huge difference by organizing our joint project with other regional Rotary clubs to raise funds for the survivors of Hurricane Beryl." In returning to a time-honored tradition, the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten names two Paul Harris Fellows each year at its Change of Board. A Paul Harris Fellowship is recognition of a contribution made to the Rotary Foundation or a contribution made to the Rotary Foundation in honor of a person who has made significant contribution to their community. This year, the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten recognized Immediate Past President James C. Ferris for his efforts to lead the Club. In a surprise move, the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten recognized its Assistant Governor Elicia L. Lake as a Paul Harris Fellow for her lifelong membership in the Rotary family and her enduring efforts to support all of the Rotary Clubs on Sint Maarten, St. Martin, St. Barthelemy and Anguilla. Both Paul Harris Fellows were presented by Foundation Chair Stephen Thompson. In closing of the Change of Board, President Jeffrey "Dr. Soc" Sochrin stated, "The Rotary Club of St. Maarten will celebrate its 53rd birthday next March. I look forward to celebrating Rotary on Sint Maarten and I am certain that our best days are yet to come." For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # |
Helping Beryl Survivors![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN, ROTARY CLUB OF ST. MARTIN SUNRISE, ROTARY CLUB OF ST. MARTIN SUNSET, ROTARY CLUB OF SAINT-MARTIN NORD AND ROTARY CLUB OF ANGUILLA JOIN TOGETHER TO HELP HURRICANE BERYL SURVIVORS Helping Sister Islands in Southern Caribbean PHILIPSBURG, ST MAARTEN – July 11, 2024 – Today many of the Rotary Clubs in our territory, including the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise, the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset, the Rotary Club of Saint-Martin Nord and the Rotary Club of Anguilla, joined together to announce their support for Hurricane Beryl survivors. According to the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Disaster Relief Chair, Laura Hartman, "It was important for us to ensure that our efforts would reach the right place at the right time. In order to accomplish this objective, we are partnering with our counterparts in Rotary District 7030 to our south. After careful consideration, we have determined that the most effective way to help survivors of Beryl is to work with the Rotary District 7030 Disaster Relief Team because we have verified that they are working with those impacted by the hurricane directly on the front lines. Anyone interested in supporting our efforts can join us by submitting a donation online to the Rotary District 7030 Disaster Fund at Rotary Assistant Governor for St. Maarten and Anguilla, Elisia Lake, added, "Being able to trust that your contributions will be used for the intended purpose is very important during this time, when we are all working to prepare for an above normal, very active hurricane season. Working with Rotary gives you that very assurance, especially when you consider Rotary International has earned Charity Navigator's highest rating for the 15th consecutive year. Your contributions will be used directly to assist survivors of Hurricane Beryl in Carriacou, Petite Martinique, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada and the surrounding areas." To start things off and show their support and solidarity with our neighbors to our south, the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten has contributed US $1,000 to Rotary District 7030 Disaster Relief Fund according to Club President, Jeffrey "Dr. Soc" Sochrin. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # |
Rotary Clubs of St Maarten hold RYLA 2024![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUBS OF SINT MAARTEN HOLD ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARDS 90 Young Sint Maarten Leaders Participate PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – May 19, 2024 – On Saturday, May 18, 2024, the Rotary Clubs of Sint Maarten joined together to host an intensive day of youth leadership training at the University of St. Martin. According to the area Assistant Governor, Elisa L. Lake, "This type of leadership training is known in the world of Rotary as the 'Rotary Youth Leadership Awards' or simply RYLA. More than 90 young Sint Maarten leaders participated from various schools, school based and community based service clubs, like Interact Clubs and Leo Clubs. Training and exercises were delivered by local Rotarians and local leaders in the areas of leadership, building self esteem, conflict resolution, mental wellbeing, community service, budgeting, public speaking, creating a resume and interview skills". At the end of the day-long event, each participant received a RYLA Certificate of Participation and each participant was pinned with a Rotary RYLA pin after attesting to uphold all the responsibilities of being a young community leader with the new skills they acquired during the training sessions. The new RYLA graduates were pinned by Past Rotary District Governor Louis Wever, Past Assistant Governor Marcellia Henry, Past Assistant Governor James Ferris, Assistant Governor Elisa L. Lake, President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, Jeffrey "Dr. Soc" Sochrin, President of the Rotary Club St. Maarten Mid-Isle, Yvette Hart, President of the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise, Valda Hazel and President of the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset, Kimberley Duzong. Speakers for the day included the President of Parliament, the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams, Marcellia Henry, Semona Morton, Rolando Tobias, Jaida Nisbett, Jeffrey "Dr. Soc" Sochrin, Jean-Thierry Arnell, Franklyn Salomons, Malcom Jacques, Adelena Chandler and Dr. Tameka Lambert. This RYLA event was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Mid-Isle, the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise, the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset, Computech, Domino's St. Maarten, Carl's & Sons with numerous volunteers all contributing to make the day a success. For more information about the Rotary Clubs of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: # # # |
ROTARY CLUB OF ST MAARTEN RECEIVES SAPPHIRE AWARD![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN RECEIVES SAPPHIRE AWARD AT THE ROTARY DISTRICT CONFERENCE GRAND CAYMAN, CI – May 2, 2024 – Today, May 2nd, the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten received the SAPPHIRE Award for its service to the community of Sint Maarten at the Rotary District 7020 Conference, "Create Hope in the World". The award was presented to the Club by Rotary District 7020 Governor, David Kirkaldy, at the Grand Cayman Marriott and was accepted, on behalf of the Club, by its President, Jeffrey "Dr. Soc" Sochrin. "The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten has been serving the local community for more than 52 years. We look forward to continuing this service for many more years to come and by simply doing good in the world. Thank you to the District Governor for recognizing our efforts and thank you to all of our members and sponsors for making this award possible", stated Sochrin. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: # # # |
ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN PREPARES 225 FOOD BASKETS![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Prepares 225 Food Baskets for Holiday MealsPHILIPSBURG, ST. MAATEN – November 18, 2023 - Members of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, the Learning Unlimited Interact Club and the St. Maarten Academy Interact Club gathered at the Belair Community Center in Cay Hill to prepare 225 Food Baskets for those in need during the Holiday season. An assembly line of volunteers put flour, rice, cereals, canned vegetables, and many other items that included many of the basics for the holidays, in Carrefour Market bags, and staged them for delivery. About 15 Rotarians and another 20 Interact members, students from both schools, participated in the preparation of the food baskets. According to Rotary Club of Sint Maarten President, Jeffrey "Dr.Soc" Sochrin, “The preparation and distribution of food baskets to those in need goes right back to the reason so many of us are members of Rotary. We all simply want to ‘do good in the world’ and the distribution of these food baskets is just another example of doing good in the world right here in our local community. This year we also increased our level of support to the Meals on Wheels program with this project. It certainly is fantastic to see so many Rotarians and Interactors come out to participate in this annual tradition, and we even had a visitor to the island from Canada, Karen Campbell participate in the effort. On behalf of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, please accept our best wishes for a joyous, safe, happy and healthy holiday season”. Members of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten are now in the process of distributing these food baskets in various districts around Sint Maarten. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Adelena Chandler Joins Rotary![]() THE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN GROWS AGAIN Adelena Chandler becomes the Newest Member PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JULY 26, 2023 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten grows again with the addition of its newest member, Ms. Adelena Chander. President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, Jeffrey "Dr. Soc" Sochrin stated, "Adelena Chandler is no stranger to Rotary or the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten. She first joined Rotary as a member of this Club in 2016, and then did a stint as a member of the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset. We are thrilled Adelena has chosen to come back home to the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten. She instantly began assisting with the organization of the Rotary Clubhouse and has also assumed the new role of Wellness Chair for the Club. I am thrilled to welcome Adelena back to the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten". Adelena Chandler is a daughter of the soil. She was born and raised in Sint Maarten, and she attended Milton Pieters College. Ms. Chandler went on to earn a Master’s Degree in human resource management and development from University of Salford, in Salford, England, UK. Chandler is now the Human Resource Director at the Port Sint Maarten Group and founder of Chandler’s Coaching & Consultancy and has 15 years’ experie Chandler said, "I am thrilled to once again be back with the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten. I look forward to serving our community in the role of Wellness Chair, as we make an effort to improve awareness of mental health here on the island and around the world. Together, we can all work to Create Hope in the World". For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
New Rotary Year Begins![]() ![]() ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN BEGINS NEW ROTARY YEAR WITH A NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS James Ferris turns the reigns over to new President Jeffrey "Dr. Soc" Sochrin MP Sarah Wescot-Williams installed as Secretary PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JUNE 11, 2023 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten kicked off its new Rotary year on Saturday, June 10th with an evening of fun at Topper's Restaurant in Cole Bay with attendees from St. Maarten, St. Martin, Anguilla, the US Virgin Islands, and the British Virgin Islands all in attendance. The evening was hosted by Master of Ceremonies, "Mr. Pizza", John Caputo of Domino's Pizza, St. Maarten. Mr. Caputo is a long-standing Rotarian and two-time Past President of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten. Outgoing President James C. Ferris addressed those in attendance by recognizing the outgoing Board Members and the challenges facing service clubs around the world. He said, "Together, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten moves forward, from strength to strength". Mr. Ferris has served the Rotary Club of St. Maarten three times as President, in addition to serving the Club and Rotary District 7020 in Youth Leadership roles. He is also a Past Assistant Governor for Rotary District 7020. Past President Deepak "Danny" Ramchandani came to the podium to introduce two new Honorary Rotarians, Pierre and Micheline DeCelles, which is the highest membership honor the Club can give. Mr. and Mrs. DeCelles have both served Rotary and Rotary District 7020 since 1995. Mr. DeCelles has held every office in the Club and Mrs. DeCelles has been a constant fixture at every event and project done by the Rotary Club of St. Maarten. The Oath of Honorary Membership was administered by incoming Assistant Governor Elisia Lake. Outgoing President James C. Ferris then administered the Oath of Office to incoming President Jeffrey "Dr. Soc" Sochrin and placed the Presidential Collar around his neck along with the symbolic passing of the gavel. Newly installed President Sochrin administered the Oath of Office and introduced his new Board Members including Secretary Sarah Wescot-Williams, Immediate Past President James C. Ferris, Deepak "Danny" Ramchandani, Vice President/Club Service Kishore Idnani, Rotary Foundation Chair Stephen Thompson, and Public Image Chair Melanie Daboul. Sochrin then had the privilege of installing a new member of this Club, Marc Groeneveld. Mr. Groeneveld is an insurance professional and a previous member of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten. He is the Branch Manager of Atlas Risk Solutions in Philipsburg, St. Maarten. Sochrin, in his address to the Club, went on to say, “We have been asked by our District Governor and the Rotary International President Create Hope in the World. This new Rotary year will require fellowship and work. It will require that every member of our Club come together for a simple purpose, not just to Imagine Rotary, but rather to Create Hope in the World, to create hope for our Club. It is only when we come together, when we work together, when we embody the principles of the 4 Way Test, can we make sure the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten is secure for at least another 51 years". For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Change of Board 2020Rotary Change of Board 2020 In these uncertain times with the onset of Covid-19 we all have learnt to accept the new norm, of having zoom meetings and inductions and in a way the world has become a smaller place where we get to meet and mingle with fellow Rotarians ,join their meetings and make more friends .Each day makes us more grateful and cherish what most of us took for granted, to be able to breathe clean fresh air ,to be able to spend quality time with our loved ones during lock down, communicating and catching up with friends and family and most of all counting our Blessings. I am extremely grateful to God for this opportunity and also to my fellow Rotarians for their support and guidance ,to be able to make a difference in our community...together we live up to our Rotary Motto of "Service above Self".
Rotary Change of Board 2019 - Horsford new President![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN STARTS THE NEW ROTARY YEAR Sherylle Horsford installed as 48th President PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JUNE 17, 2019 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten kicked off its new Rotary year on Saturday, June 8h at the Pure Ocean Restaurant at Divi Little Bay Beach Resort. Outgoing President John Caputo thanked the outgoing Board of Directors for their service over the past two years. Caputo explained, “The last two years have been a challenging time for everyone in our region, and Rotary is no exception. I am proud of the work completed by our members and everyone’s efforts to secure almost US $400,000 to help transform the Sister Marie Laurence School in Middle Region to an Exceptional Education School. This grant will help make lasting and meaningful change to our island. It’s what Rotary is all about”. President Caputo then officially turned over the reigns of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten to Sherylle Horsford. President Horsford, “I want to thank outgoing President John Caputo for his service and for holding the mantle for not one, but two years. Thank you for your service. During the new Rotary year, our Club will continue many of the great traditional projects that you have come to expect from us. In addition, it my intention add a focus of reducing the use of one-time plastics on the island. You will see us add this theme to all of our traditional projects and new projects in the most practical way possible”. Newly installed President Horsford introduced her new Board Members and Committee Chairpersons including: Secretary/President-elect Dimple Sagre, Immediate Past President John Caputo, Vice President Pierre DeCelles, Treasurer Robert Judd and Sargent-at-Arms Franklyn Maynard. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Rotary Club of St Maarten Receives Platinum Award![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN PRESENTED THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S PLATINUM AWARD PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN & HAMBURG, GERMANY – June 5, 2019 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten was presented the prestigious District Governor’s Platinum Award by Rotary International President, Barry Rassin, at the Rotary International Conference in Hamburg, Germany on June 4, 2019. The Rotary District Governor’s Award is presented to Rotary Clubs that have achieved various goals throughout the Rotary year. The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten was recognized at the highest level possible, the Platinum level. Various projects were completed during the year including, a Public Medical Education session on cancer, the distribution of food baskets to those in need, toy distribution to children in need, a senior citizens lagoon cruise and the raising of funds to secure a much needed beach cleaner for St. Maarten. In addition, the Club, under the leadership of President John Caputo secured a global grant in the amount of almost $400,000 to help transform the Sister Marie Laurence School in Middle Region to an Exceptional Education School. Accepting the award on behalf of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten was Club President, John Caputo. Mr. Caputo immediately addressed all members of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten in an internal club message and said, “Our Club was presented the Platinum District Governor’s Award directly by Rotary International President Barry Rassin. I want to congratulate all the Rotary Clubs on St. Maarten/St. Martin for their respective contributions and awards that were presented at the recent Rotary District 7020 Conference held in Jamaica”. Mr. Caputo continued, “It has been my pleasure and honor to serve as Rotary Club of Sint Maarten President for past two years. Congratulations to each member of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten. It is your participation and membership that makes this an amazing club”. Finally, Mr. Caputo added, “While my term as President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten comes to a close, I would like to encourage anyone interested in attending our Change of Board Ceremony and Celebration this Saturday, June 8, 2019 at the Pure Ocean Restaurant at Divi Little Bay Beach Resort to contact the Club at,, or We would love to have you join us on Saturday night”. About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Pantophlet Newest Rotarian![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN ADDS TO ITS RANKS RBC’s Cheryl Pantophlet is the Newest Rotarian PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – November 13, 2018 – The Rotary Club of St. Maarten inducted RBC’s Country Manager, Cheryl Pantophlet, on November 7, 2018 at its regular meeting. Mrs. Pantophlet has resided on Sint Maarten since 1987. President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, John Caputo, went on to say, “It’s always a great pleasure to welcome new members to the family of Rotary. Cheryl joins our family for all the right reasons, simply because she believes in the values of making our community a better place”. When asked why she wanted to join Rotary, Mrs. Pantophlet added, "It has always been my wish to be able to serve my community on a large scale. Rotary is the platform that will help me to accomplish this achievement". For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: pressrotarysxm@gmail.comor visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Rotary Holds Pop Up Dinner to Support Sister Marie Laurence School![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN HOSTS “POP DINNER PARTY” IN SUPPORT OF SISTER MARIE LAURENCE PRIMARY SCHOOL PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – July 15, 2018 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten hosted a “Pop-Up” dinner party in support of Sister Marie Laurence Primary School on July 8, 2018. A first of it’s kind on St. Maarten, a Pop Up Dinner is when a chef, but in this case, 5 top chef’s prepare a meal in a setting where you usually would not think to host a dinner party. The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten adopted the Sister Marie Laurence Primary School after the passing of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, which was severely damaged after the storm and then completely looted. The school served as the venue for the “Pop Up Dinner Party”. The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten is in the doorstep of approval of a Global Grant of close to $400,000 with the partnership of 11 International Rotary Club’s which will provide vocational support and training to the faculty, as well as providing the school with the latest in teaching and learning materials, a computer lab, C-Touch digital learning boards, a playground, a gardening center and much more. St. Maarten’s top chefs representing Emilio’s, Topper’s, Avantika, Lazy Lizard, and L’Isola Authentic Italian, donated their time to the cause and prepared their signatures dishes on the spot for more than 150 attendees on the evening of July 8th. There were rave reviews about the food and it was easy to see why these chefs are considered amongst St. Maarten’s finest. Dessert was ice cream scooped on location by the Carousel. CC1 and Prime Distributers set up and provided a full bar and kept the drinks flowing all evening, while the Guavaberry Emporium offered all attendees a welcome drink. Soundmasters, Artemia and Ti Punch Party Services transformed the school yard into an oasis and certainly exceeded the objective of the evening of bringing Rotarians, stakeholders, friends, school staff and supporters together to create a festive atmosphere in a setting that you would not think possible. Being in such a well-decorated and lit setting, in such a damaged school, brought out many emotions that played well into the evening and to the spirit of helping. Tanja Frederiks-Vliegen, on behalf of Foundation Catholic Education St. Maarten, made a short presentation outlining the future vision and plans for the school which was met with much applause as the well thought out plan included building back the school to be future proof and the centerpiece of the Middle Region community. Since this school has low parental participation, it was decided to include a parent resource center where they can use a computer, internet, printer, etc. and a community room where the Middle Region Community Council can hold their meetings. Completely redoing the sporting court is also essential as it gives the youth of the region an area a safe and positive place to gather. “The plan for the SML School is one that proves that government, private sector, insurance, Dutch/World Bank funding, service clubs, individuals and the community as a whole CAN work together for a common goal of building St. Maarten and in particular, this school back better. I can not think of a more well rounded and meaningful project to be a part of for the betterment of the island I love”, said John Caputo, the President of The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten. Many tears were shed when young Valedictorian Chailon Ruan told his amazing story of living through hardships and how through perseverance and much help from the dedicated Care Team of the school, he was still able to graduate at the top of his class and be accepted to St. Dominic High School. While still facing financial challenges, a donor pledged to sponsor his school and book fees, and that led to many offers of support to the “Tree of Giving” where dozens of attendees sponsored a school uniform set, school supplies, laptops, etc. for children in need. Anil Sabnani from Carrefour Market pledged 10 laptops to students in need. Laura and Roland Richardson donated a painting, which fetched over $3,500 in an auction held and displayed on location and online, with the winning bid from Randy and Dany Acree from the United States. The funds raised by the auction will be applied to a district grant application and be used for art supplies and the proposed art room of the school. Continuing with the fundraising effort, a 50/50 raffle was won Donna-Maria de Roche’ of Nagico Insurances. She graciously donated her winnings back to the cause. DJ Sheff opened the dance floor where those in attendance continued to dance the night away, and since the dress code for the evening was “Dress for School” or “Caribbean Elegant”, many took the opportunity to go back to school and the outfits were very creative and fun. Nisha Khatnani won in the best-dressed female category, while David Antrobus won the best-dressed male category. Much to her surprise, Tanja Frederiks-Vliegen was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow from the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, for her tireless efforts towards this project and those in other schools as well. Minister of Education, the Honorable Wycliffe Smith and the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten President John Caputo presented her with this prestigious recognition just before she gave her presentation on the future plans for the school. "This award means so much to me, I am very grateful to have received this recognition. As a Foundation we are very blessed to have the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten as a partner. The plans to transform this school from a "regular" school into an Exceptional School are extremely important, as this school caters to a lot of students who need that extra positive focus and attention. The Foundation has submitted the project plan via the Government of St. Maarten to the World Bank/Recovery Funds and is currently awaiting their response. The plan is to completely rebuild the school, which would allow for the school to provide a true holistic development program in order to cater to all the diverse needs of the students, but also - very importantly - to be able to tap into their abilities, talents and dreams. The vast majority of these students face many hardships and are confronted with impossibilities every single day. As a school, as a community, and as a government it time that we start focusing on this at-risk group of students, not only at the Sister Marie Laurence, but at all schools. With the funding and input from the Rotary Clubs, this project promises to have an enormous long-term impact on the well-being of our students”, said Tanja Frederiks-Vliegen. ![]() The Pop Up Dinner event had a series of other thought out economically and environmentally impactful ideas. Dow Music Foundation was hired to play steel pan and 9 students from the Hospitality and Culinary section of The Sundial School were hired to ensure attendees were served with professionalism and they also given the opportunity to work alongside these inspirational chefs. Commemorative wine glasses were issued to minimize waste and only biodegradable cups were used as was minimal plastics. Windward Roads provided security lighting for the parking area for the evening. Jump Up Casino and Caribbean Lottery had also donated a sizeable amount late last year to help the school and Rotary achieve its goals. “Hearing the Valedictorian's speech is exactly why I joined Rotary. Knowing we can help not only him, but all of the Students of this school through our efforts is truly heartwarming. Rotarians of our Club, the students and faculty of the school are extremely thankful for the support of the chefs and all others who made this Pop Up Dinner a night to remember. We were truly honored that so many, including the Minister of Education, the Honorable Wycliffe Smith came out to support such a worthy cause,” President Caputo concluded. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten or joining Rotary, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Rotary and WIMA Hold![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN & WIMA HOST ONCOLOGY CONFERENCE -Nagico is the Platinum Sponsor PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – May 25, 2018 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, in conjunction with the Windward Islands Medical Association, and their Platinum Sponsor, NAGICO Insurances held a conference for medical professionals on the state of Oncology (Cancer) treatment and care on St. Maarten on May 10 - 12 at the Belair Community Center. The conference was attended by more than 100 medical professionals from around the region, and 5 international experts in the field of Oncology that addressed the local medical professionals and members of the public. Dr. Neinke Gonzales-Diaz, Dr. Diego Ramos, Dr. Wouter Dercksen, Dr. Marino Leon and Dr. Martijn Stuiver each spoke on their respective specialties. Dr. Hidde Dekethe, Secretary of the Windward Islands Medical Association, continued, “The medical portion of the event had also a great attendance with 3/4 of all (para) medical professionals of St. Maarten present, as well as Doctors and Nurses from Saba and Statia. For sure Oncology and Palliative Care in St. Maarten was given a new boost, all benefitting the population of St. Maarten and the surrounding islands. A FREE Public Meeting on Cancer preceded the medical conference on Thursday evening, May 10, 2018. The Honorable Minister of Health and Member of Parliament, Mr. Emil Lee, welcomed attendees with a heartfelt and personal message that highlighted the importance of knowledge about caring for one’s own health. More than 230 residents attended this public meeting on Cancer Care, which included presentations on the state of Cancer Care on Sint Maarten, focusing on Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer as the most common types of cancer effecting our region. ![]() President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, John Caputo said, “This year’s conference exceeded our expectations with record attendance at the public session. We also added a live stream of the event on the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten’s Facebook Page for those that could not attend. The video is still online for those that would still like to view it. And to make it even easier, the Rotary Club added free shuttle bus transportation to and from the Belair Community Center from Dutch Quarter and St. Peters. Projects like this have long lasting effects on our communities and if this program saves just one life, we will have made a tremendous difference. We look forward to working with Nagico for many years to come as we continue our ongoing program of medical professional and public education. With that, thank you to the entire team at Nagico”. Lisa Brown, the Marketing Manager for Nagico Insurances, who attended the public session added, “It is our pleasure to support the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten and the Windward Island Medical Association with this year’s initiative on Cancer education and care. We loved the live streaming and we are already starting to plan our portion of next year’s public session. It just keeps getting bigger and better each year”. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten and the Lions Club of Sint Maarten Accept a Donation from the Jump Up CasinoFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN AND THE LIONS CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN ACCEPT LARGE DONATIONS FROM THE JUMP UP CASINO Rotary to Continue Focus On Children; Lions to Continue Focus on Vision PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – January 19, 2018 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten and the Lions Club of Sint Maarten proudly accepted large donations from the Jump Up Casino on Saturday evening at L’Isola Restaurant in Pelican Key totaling $46,694. The donation was shared equally between the two Clubs. Students from The Gulliver Schools of Miami, Florida, who were on island to assist with various beach clean up efforts, presented the donations to both clubs. According to Antione Akl of the Jump Up and Hollywood Casinos, “We thought it was very fitting to have students visiting our island in service to the community to present the donations to the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten and the Lions Club of Sint Maarten. The funds raised were collected during the holiday season after a progressive Bingo tournament”. John Caputo, President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, thanked the students and the Jump Up Casino for their support of Rotary. Mr. Caputo continued, “The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten is pleased to accept this large donation. These funds will be used to help us re-equip the Sister Marie Lawrence School after all the supplies, computers, smart boards, etc. were lost after the passing of Hurricane Irma. In addition, a portion of the funds were used to brighten the recent holiday season for youngsters who may not have had a visit from Santa Claus. We are grateful for this significant donation and we look forward continuing our efforts to focus on the children of Sint Maarten”. ![]() Lion Alison Busby, President of Sint Maarten Lions Club, thanked the students for their great school work project and also the staff and management of Jump Up Casino and also to the citizens of Sint Maarten that participated at the bingo events of Jump Up casino during the month of December. A big thank you to Mr. Antoine Akl for thinking of and being a corporate sponsor of Lions Club of Sint Maarten. Mr. Busby went onto say, “The LION Club international has 5 areas in which we are active, including Sight, Youth, Hunger, Education, and most recently, Diabetes. This donation will be used for the children’s projects of which one is ‘Eyes for a Brighter Future’ project. This was planned for October 2017, but due to the passing of Hurricane Irma, the project was postponed for a later date this year. This project entails the testing of about 4000 plus elementary school students by the VOSH organization and where eyeglasses are needed the student will receive a pair of glasses free of charge”. ![]() For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten or joining Rotary, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website For more information about the Lions Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Lions Club of Sint Maarten at or visit the Sint Maarten Lions Club Facebook page # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at About the Lions Club of St. Maarten: The Sint Maarten Lions Club was founded on December 12th 1970. The St. Maarten Lions Club has grown and has now over 50 members. The Lions Club of St. Maarten is known for their many projects and fund-raising events such as the Lions Christmas Bingo Spectacular, Lion Nelson Van de Nilde Senior Citizen Party, Lion Rudy Hoeve Health & Wellness Fair and the Quest program and many more. Lions Clubs International is one of the world's largest service club organizations with more than 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. |
The Rotary Club of St Maarten Focuses its Efforts on our Children![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN FOCUSES ITS EFFORTS ON OUR CHILDREN PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – December 22, 2017 – Since the passing of Hurricanes Irma, Jose and Maria, The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten has spent its time, effort and financial resources with a direct focus on the children of Sint Maarten. According to the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten President, John Caputo, “It was a very conscious decision made by our Club after the hurricanes. We recognize that our children are the future of our island and the world, so it just seemed logical to focus on both the intermediate and long term needs of our students, knowing that much immediate term aid was available. We began by reaching out to our partners around the world and locally to make a difference, by refocusing some of our standing community projects, and by tackling some large projects directly related to the hurricanes”. During the months of October, November and early December, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten distributed just under 800 dictionaries to all third grade students in 17 different schools across Dutch Sint Maarten. According to project chair, Kishore Idnani, “This project has been a standing project for our Club for a just about a decade. There is something quite special when you watch a third grader open a dictionary and learn how to use it properly. This year, the project was extra special as it represented a small step in the return of normalcy for the third graders and for our Club”. Club President, John Caputo added, “The deep gratitude of our Club goes Shams and Anish Chugani, who help us make this project a reality, year after year. ![]() Continuing its focus on the youth, the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten turned its focus to the Sister Marie Laurence School in Middle Region. The school was significantly damaged and looted after Hurricane Irma. Contributions from around the globe have been earmarked for the Sister Marie Laurence School and through partnership with Shams of Philipsburg, and the Caribbean Lottery, a new kitchen was installed at the school. On December 15, 2017, members of Club held a Christmas Party for the students at school, along with a visit from Santa Claus, who helped spread Christmas cheer. The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten would like to thank and acknowledge our international partner, The Rotary Club of Singer Island Florida for their very generous donation of 200 toy boxes that were distributed to students at the Sister Marie Laurence School and the Rotary Club of Huizen for its financial assistance. Mr. Caputo continued, “And, if that wasn’t enough activity, many members of the Club gathered at the Dutch Quarter Community Center on Saturday, December 16, 2017 for the Annual Children’s Holiday Party, sponsored by the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, Domino’s St. Maarten and many other companies and individuals that went above and beyond for more than 200 Dutch Quarter youth. Bob Barron donated his time and karaoke talents to lead everyone in Christmas carols, followed by a visit from the man in red, Santa Claus. Popcorn, face painting, cotton candy, and the bouncing castle were also available for all the attendees along with Domino’s pizza. And of course, the contributions from Jump Up Casino Bingo festivities went along way towards helping Santa and Rotary bring all these great toys to the Dutch Quarter. I think it’s safe to say that everyone, including the adults had a great time”. ![]() The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten would like to thank you our sponsors and contributors of all their efforts including the Jump Up Casino, Don Ation, Funtopia, Domino’s St. Maarten, Bob Barron, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner B. Sochrin, Island 92 Radio, Divico Distributors, Super Plaza, the Affordable Store, the Rotary Club of Singer Island Florida, the Rotary of St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada, the Rotary Club of Huizen, Netherlands and everyone who participated in all of our youth related endeavors. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten or joining Rotary, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Rotary Club of St Maarten Donates Kitchen Equipment to Sister Marie Laurence School![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN DONATES KITCHEN EQUIPMENT TO THE SISTER MARIE LAURENCE PRIMARY SCHOOL MIDDLE REGION, SINT MAARTEN – NOVEMBER 9, 2017 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten has donated new kitchen equipment to the Sister Marie Laurence Primary School, much to the delight and gratitude of the students and staff. “Hurricane Irma caused a large amount of damage to the school buildings, which was truly unfortunate. Even more devastating was the looting and vandalism that took place after the passing of Hurricane Irma. Words cannot express the disappointment we all felt to see how the school was destroyed by residents of St. Maarten. Why would people loot a school? Why would people destroy a learning environment of the youth? We are now focused and committed to rebuilding the school as quickly as possible. The rebound of this school will be a fantastic one!” said Tanja Frederiks, Project Coordinator. Federicks continued, “Besides the damage, which necessitated us having to find alternative classroom space for the students, the start up of the school after the passing of Irma has been very difficult to say the least, as we had to work while having no supplies. Every piece of equipment and many pieces of classroom furniture were stolen. Even the kitchen, which provides many free meals for students was completely ransacked”. The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was made aware of the situation and immediately pledged to donate the necessary kitchen equipment to the school. “The Rotary Club of St. Maarten had already committed itself to help with the funding necessary to upgrade the Sister Marie Laurence Primary School. The Foundation Catholic Education St. Maarten is working on a very ambitious and much needed project plan right now to set up the school in such a way to be able to cater more effectively to the very diverse needs of the students at the school. The kitchen is the heart of the operation at this school, and in these troubling post-Irma times what can be better than to assist with restoring the use of their kitchen”, said John Caputo, President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten. Mr. Caputo continued, “Shams, on Cannegieter Street in Philipsburg, offered to assist with purchasing the equipment at a large discount. We are very appreciative of their gesture in assisting the Rotary Club of St Maarten in service to the community. Our gratitude also goes out the Caribbean Lotteries for their donation towards this cause. The three local Rotary Clubs, as well as efforts from Rotary International, are all working on similar projects at other educational facilities on the island. This is just the start of many more great examples of Rotary in action”. According to Mrs. Lilia Aventurin-Hodge, the Executive Director of the Board, “Currently two grades of the Sister Marie Laurence are housed at the Sister Magda Primary School and two grades are housed at the St. Joseph School. There was no more space to house the remaining six grades at other schools, so those remaining classes had to remain on the campus of the Sister Marie Laurence School. We are thankful and appreciative of the Sister Magda School and St. Joseph School for sharing their campuses with our students. As for the students and teachers who remained at the Sister Marie Laurence School campus, I thank you for your patience, your dedication and your commitment”. Mrs. Aventurin-Hodge continued, “The Foundation would like to express its heartfelt appreciation to the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports and to Mr. York for their help in organizing the quick-fixes to the school in order for the students to resume classes in October”. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten or joining Rotary, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website ![]() # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Rotary Club of St. Maarten Accepts Large Donation to Continue Sponsorship of Medical Education from Nagico in support of the WIndward Islands Medical Association![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN ACCEPTS DONATION FROM NAGICO -Sponsors Medical Conference for the Third Year -FREE PUBLIC MEETING ON CANCER PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – August 28, 2017 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten proudly accepted a large donation from NAGICO Insurances in support of the upcoming Oncology (Cancer) Conference. The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, in conjunction with the Windward Islands Medical Association, will be holding a conference for medical professionals on the state of Cancer and care/treatment on St. Maarten on October 6th and 7th at the Belair Community Center. A FREE Public Meeting on Cancer will precede this conference on Thursday evening, October 5th, 2017 from 6:45 pm to 9:00 pm also at the Belair Community Center. Presentations on various types of Cancer, care and treatment will be included along with the opportunity for members of the public to ask questions to the presenters. The session will be opened by Honorable Minister of Health, Labor and Social Affairs, Mr. Emil Lee, along with presentations from a panel of visiting expert doctors and insurance experts from NAGICO. President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, Mr. John Caputo, accepted the donation from NAGICO and went on to say; “This year we are looking to expand access to this very important public meeting on Cancer, by offering free shuttle bus service from various locations and live streaming the session online so all can participate. This donation enables our Club to continue its multi year initiative to support public education on St. Maarten, both for our medical professionals and for our residents. On behalf of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, I wish to thank NAGICO for their continued commitment to this initiative, now in its third year. I would also like to thank the Windward Islands Medical Association for their efforts in improving the knowledge of our physicians and the community. Together, we can truly make a difference.” Mr. Dwayne Elgin, CEO of the NAGICO Group of Companies, said; “It is our pleasure to partner with the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten and the Windward Island Medical Association for a cause that touches countless members of our community. We are continuously working to improve our products and cater to the needs of the islands. NAGICO believes that supporting this initiative will encourage more people to change their lifestyle and make smarter decisions. Please remember to come on October 5th for the FREE Public Session on Cancer (Oncology) at the Belair Community Center at 6:45pm.” For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten or joining Rotary, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Rotary Club of St. Maarten Removes 500 lbs of Weeds and Rubbish from the Rotary Roundabout![]() On Saturday, August 19, 2017, members of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten assembled at the Rotary Roundabout adjacent to the Causeway Bridge, to continue their beautification efforts. Last week the team worked to unveil a refurbished Bus Stop Shelter in Point Blanche, and this week the team worked remove over 500 pounds of weeds and rubbish from the Rotary Roundabout. Just another small example of Rotary in action on St. Maarten. |
THE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN REFURBISHES POINT BLANCHE BUS STOP SHELTERFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN REFURBISHES POINT BLANCHE BUS STOP SHELTER Now Serves as a Symbol of Doing Good in the World to all Passersby PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – AUGUST 12, 2017 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, through the help of its members, American University of the Caribbean (AUC) students, many volunteers and several local businesses completed the refurbishment of its last remaining Bus Stop Shelter in Point Blanche. According to the President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten John Caputo, “This last remaining Bus Stop Shelter was built on a bare and treeless road to Point Blanche during the 1985 – 1986 Rotary year when our Club was lead by Past President and former Lt. Governor, the Honorable Max Pandt. Over the years, road patterns changed and this Bus Stop Shelter is the last remaining shelter of its kind”. Today, the Point Blanche Bus Stop Shelter is used less frequently as a bus stop, but now serves as a visible monument to Rotary International, as millions of visitors to Sint Maarten walk or ride by, either coming or going, to the Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise Ship Facility. President Caputo added, “Over the years countless Rotarians, residents and local businesses have helped maintain the Bus Stop Shelter. I would like to recognize Immediate Past President Henna Budhrani for getting this project off the ground, Past Assistant Governor Stephen Thompson for his dedication and drive to get this project to fruition, along with significant contributions from former Rotarian, Bob McDonough, of Greenfingers, and the team from Sherwin Williams St. Maarten for their donation of paint, materials and supplies. The new signage at the Bus Stop Shelter was made locally by Tim Salt of Signs and Designs, and will welcome our many cruise ship visitors”. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten or about joining Rotary, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website ![]() # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Presents Two VehiclesFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN PRESENT TWO VEHICLES Meals on Wheels and the New Start Foundation Children’s Home to Benefit PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JUNE 29, 2017 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, at an evening of fun and fellowship at the Rotary Clubhouse, presented two vehicles to deserving organizations. Outgoing President Henna Budhrani said, “On behalf of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten and the Friends of Rotary, I am pleased to present the Meals on Wheels Foundation and the New Start Foundation Children’s Home each with a vehicle that we help them achieve their respective missions”. The Meals on Wheels Foundation provides more than 575 meals each week to those in need on Sint Maarten. Mary Bryson from Meals on Wheels was delighted to receive the vehicle. Mrs. Bryson added, “We are very appreciative of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten and its effort to support Meals on Wheels year after year. We are incredibly grateful”. The New Start Foundation Children’s Home currently serves as the home for 23 children. Mr. Eddie Benjamin and his wife, Sally, not only provide a roof over the head for these children, they provide a home that is surrounded by love, caring and kindness that is so important to a proper upbringing. Mr. Benjamin thanked the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten for the very generous donation of a large passenger van and promised the van would be put to good use. Mr. Benjamin commented, “Everywhere we go up until now, we use a small vehicle, and wherever we go people always do a double take when they see how many kids are piling out of a car. Now, with a much larger van, it is safer and more comfortable for the children”. Incoming Rotary Club of St. Maarten President, John Caputo, added, “It’s moments like these that make me realize why I became a Rotarian. You can look for even more impactful projects, that personally engage our members in the coming year”. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten or about joining Rotary, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Celebrates New BoardFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN CELEBRATES ITS NEW BOARD Caputo Named 47th President PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JUNE 18, 2017 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten kicked off its new Rotary year on Saturday, June 17th at The Refuge in Beacon, Hill St. Maarten, which officially begins on July 1st. Outgoing President Henna Budhrani thanked the outgoing Board of Directors for their service and reflected on the past year. Henna explained, “Serving as President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten has helped me grow as a person and as a leader. I want to thank all of the members of the four St. Maarten/St. Martin Clubs, our sponsors, donors, ‘Friends of Rotary’, and especially my Board. It is through this combined effort that our club has accomplished so many projects that directly impacted our community in a positive way, and by making a difference in people's lives”. On behalf of the Club, President Henna then turned over the keys to two vehicles, one for the Meals on Wheels Foundation and the other for the New Start Foundation. She continued, "As I hand over the reign to our new President John, I want to see our club flourish to greater heights. His success is our club's success, so we must all be there to support the new projects that benefit our community President Budhrani then officially turned over the reigns of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten to John Caputo. Newly installed President Caputo introduced his new Board Members and Committee Chairpersons including: Secretary/President-elect Sherrylle DeHaarte , Immediate Past President Henna Budhrani, Vice President Pierre DeCelles, Treasurer Robert Judd, Sargent-at-Arms Franklyn Maynard, Anil Sabnani and Danny Ramchandani (Fundraising) Iris Fehse and Maayke DeHaan (Fun & Fellowship), Larry Gregory (Disaster Relief), Agnes Kapoor and Adelena Schaap (Administration), Edward Bardfield (Technology Services), Adelena Schaap (Public Image), Maayke DeHaan (Membership), James Ferris (New Generations) and Jeffrey “Soc” Sochrin (Special Advisor to the President). Caputo went on to say, “It is an honor and a privilege to have been trusted to preside over the Rotary Club of St. Maarten and the amazing individuals we call Rotarians. There is so much history and good this club has done for the community and the world as a whole over the past 45 years. We will continue to change lives, improve situations, and provide help where help is needed. Of course, none of this is possible without your unwavering support of our endeavors. This Change of Board Celebration is a perfect example of how are Club makes a difference, with more than $1,000 being raised to support the needs of the recent Cay Bay fire victims. This year we are taking on some very big projects, which will all have huge impact and sustainability with the youth of our island. The youth is our future and the Rotary Club of St. Maarten will do our part to make that future a bright one". For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten or about joining Rotary, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Announces Annual Change of Board CelebrationFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN ANNOUNCES ANNUAL CHANGE OF BOARD CELEBRATION June 17, 2017 at The Refuge, Beacon Hill PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – May 30, 2017 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, announces its Annual Change of the Board Celebration on June 17th at THE REFUGE in Beacon Hill, St. Maarten, at 7 pm SHARP. This year’s event is all about FUN and celebrating the new face of Rotary. The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten has been serving the community for more than 45 years with projects ranging from school tuition scholarships, improvements to school facilities, spending time with our senior citizens, providing breakfasts to young students in need, educating our youth about cyber-bullying, promoting vision care to helping those in need after a tragedy strikes. Incoming President, John Caputo said, “I hope everyone comes out to join us for this evening of pure fun. The music will take us back to the 1980’s and the days of the News Music Café. I guarantee the speeches will be minimal and the FUN will be over the top! We have a few great surprises that you definitely don’t want to miss. So please contact any Rotarian, email, or call 544-3377 to purchase a ticket to our FUN 1980’s Annual Change of Board Celebration on June 17h at The Refuge. The fun starts at 7 PM sharp. Tickets are just US $90 and include an OPEN BAR as well as a great dinner that will certainly be, the great culinary tour of the world. This is going to be one night to remember and you don’t want to miss the FUN!”. # # # For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, or learning about joining Rotary, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website |
Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Pledges Support to Cay Bay Fire VictimsFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN PLEDGES ASSISTANCE TO CAY BAY FIRE VICTIMS PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – MAY 28, 2017 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten pledges to assist the victims of recent fire in Cay Bay on May 27, 2017. Information and assessment of the specific needs continues this morning, and the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten is preparing to assist in an immediate way. Members of the public wishing to assist can reach the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten by calling Adelena Schaap at +17215808237. Donations will be accepted at Toppers Restaurant on Welfare Rd in Cole Bay, Island 92 Radio in the Federal Express Building on Welfare Rd in Cole Bay and any Domino’s location. Domino’s St. Maarten has already pledged pizzas to victims and rescue personnel. The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten is working closely with the Community Police Officer, Inspector Daryl Chandler, to best understand the specific needs of the victims and we will provide additional details as soon as they are known. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, or joining Rotary, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Recognized at 43rd Annual District Conference![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN RECOGNIZED AT 43RD ANNUAL DISTRICT CONFERENCE Receives 8 Awards including National Project Award PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – May 19, 2017 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten was recognized at the 43rd Annual District Conference on May 18, 2017, aboard the Enchantment of the Seas, while docked in Key West, Florida, USA, with 8 Awards of Excellence by District Governor Haresh Ramchandani, including the Bronze Club of the Month Award, the Gold District Governor’s Award, 4 Club of Distinction Awards for Community Service, Intra-District Projects, Public Image, Outstanding Young Leaders, Winner of the National Project Award and the Rotary International Significant Achievement Award Nominee for the District. According to Rotary Club of Sint Maarten President-elect, John Caputo, “The most significant and inspiring achievement was receiving the National Project Award for the Cyber-bullying Awareness Initiative held this past February. This project was impactful across our Sint Maarten community for our young adults, our parents and our educators with educating more than 300 students about tips and techniques to manage cyber-bullies that are so prevalent in today’s online world. It is my hope to develop this initiative in a project that can be repeated and shared again, not only on Sint Maarten, but also across our Rotary District”. President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, Henna Budhrani, added, “The recognition the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten received at the District Conference made me particularly proud of our members, as our club has worked diligently on many projects, like the Cyber-bully Awareness Initiative. This initiative was a joint project with the Learning Unlimited Preparatory School Parents Advisory Committee (PAC). Our Club is most thankful to the PAC and the PAC President, Heather Caputo, for bringing this problem and initiative to our attention. Together, we have impacted so many lives on St. Maarten and around the world through our efforts”. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten or for more information about joining Rotary, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Rotary Club Launches Mother and Child Health Care Promotion Campaign![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten launches Mother and Child Health Care Promotion Campaign A Collaboration with Collective Prevention Services PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – May 3, 2017 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten initiated a partnership with the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour to create a Mother and Child Health Promotion Campaign. The Purpose of the campaign is to promote the healthy behavior of women during pregnancy and childbirth by providing them with a road map through healthcare and medical care alternatives, practices and options. The launch of the awareness campaign was done during the weekly club meeting of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten during “Mother and Child Health Month” which is celebrated by Rotary International. The first product of the campaign is a brochure, which was put together with technical input from the Department of Collective Prevention Services. The aim of the brochure is to guide expectant mothers through proper health care practices, ranging from visiting the local pharmacy to visiting the gynecologist and/or pediatrician during a pregnancy. Ms. Henna Budhrani, President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, said, “Every child deserves a good start and that begins with a healthy mother.” She thanked Ms. Agnes Kapoor, Co-Chairperson of the Club’s Service Project Committee, for making this initiative a reality and stressed this club commitment goes beyond her presidency. President-Elect, John Caputo, underscored this commitment to continue the Mother and Child Health Promotion campaign during his presidency. During the launch, the brochure was presented to the Honorable Emile Lee, Minister of Public Health. He complimented the Club with this initiative and confirmed the full support of his Ministry. In his address, he said that he is a strong believer of public private partnerships, and sees the role of civil society organizations, such as the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, to create awareness and promote healthy behavior. "I endorsed the flyer and look forward to follow up activities and events”, Minister Lee said in closing. Also in attendance for the launch of the brochure were, Dr. Virginia Asin, Head of Collective Prevention Services and Mr. Dick Luttekes, President of The Pharmacy Association. The brochures will be distributed at pharmacies, medical clinics, the baby clinic, the White and Yellow Cross Care Foundation and all relevant health care institutions on Sint Maarten, with the objective of reaching the wider a female population through collaboration with different partners. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Rotary Cyber Bully Success![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – FEBRUARY 23, 2017 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten recently completed a successful cyber-bullying seminar with more than 300 in attendance. International expert on bullying, cyber-bullying, and appropriate social networking media safety protocols, Dr. Sameer Hindjua presented to those in attendance at L B Scott Auditorium on the Friday, February 10, 2017. Dr. Hinduja is widely accepted as one of the world's top experts on topics of safe social networking and cyber-bullying. Dr. Hinduja is Co-Director of the Cyberbullying Research Center ( and Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida Atlantic University (FAU). During his session with St. Maarten youth, Dr. Hindjua used real time technology to interact with the audience and to personalize his presentation to the youth of St. Maarten in a meaningful way.
John Caputo, the Secretary and President-elect of the Rotary Club Sint Maarten said, “We are very fortunate to have Dr. Hinduja with us on our island. From the discussions that have already taken place with our young people and their parents, we are already better equipped to handle cyber-bullying and improper online behavior. Just talking about it, often makes a world that seems scary, so much more manageable. Thank you Dr. Hinduja. I would also be remiss if I didn’t thank the many friends of Rotary that made this event possible.”
For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website
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About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten:
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at
Rotary Club Sponsors Cyber Bullying Seminar![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
February 10, 2017 7 – 9 PM
LB Scott Auditorium
PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – FEBRUARY 7, 2017 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten is proud to announce they are hosting a seminar on Cyber-bullying, on Friday, February 10th from 7pm-9pm at the LB Scott Auditorium. The club has brought to the island Dr. Sameer Hinduja, one of the world's leading experts on the subjects of Bullying and Cyber-bullying, who will be giving a FREE seminar to the teens and parents of the island.
"Cyber-bullying is an epidemic which has, unfortunately, made its ugly way to Sint Maarten," says Rotarian John Caputo. "We need to start this conversation with our kids, and we need to learn some ways to deal with it. I saw a shocking statistic that only 1 in 10 youths that are being bullied let someone close to them know that they were being bullied. As parents, it is so important to be a part of this; and like I said, to start the conversation. Who knows, you just may save a loved one's life." Rotarian Caputo continued to say. Also, a representative of the Law enforcement and youth services will be on hand to answer any questions after Dr. Hinduja presents, to inform the youth of Sint Maarten about the legalities of bullying here: the consequences, ways teens can report bullying activities, etc. Dr. Sameer Hinduja is Co-Director of the Cyberbullying Research Center ( and Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida Atlantic University. He is recognized internationally for his groundbreaking work on the subjects of cyberbullying and safe social media use, concerns that have paralleled the exponential growth in online communication by young people. He works with the U.S. Department of Education and many state departments of education to improve their policies and programming related to the prevention and response of teen technology misuse. He has written seven books, the most recent being “Bullying Today: Bullet Points and Best Practices” and the award-winning “Bullying beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying.” His newest co-authored book specifically written for teens is entitled “Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Go Viral.” According to Google Scholar, Dr. Hinduja's articles have been cited over 7,000 times in the fields of Computer Science, Management Information Systems, Educational Psychology, Pediatrics, Social Psychology, Sociology, Business Administration, Ethics, Developmental Psychology, Communications, Psychiatry, Counselor Education, Special Education, Educational Technology, Criminology, and Pediatrics. Outside of research and evaluation expertise, Dr. Hinduja provides training to schools, youth organizations, parents, and teens on how to avoid online victimization and its real-world consequences. He is frequently asked to provide expert commentary by news organizations, and his work has been featured in venues that include CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” NPR’s “All Things Considered,” the BBC and The New York Times. He has also been interviewed and cited by hundreds of online and print media outlets. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in Criminal Justice from Michigan State University (focus area: cybercrime) and his B.S. in Criminal Justice (minor in legal studies) from the University of Central Florida Honors College. At FAU, Dr. Hinduja has won both Researcher of the Year and Teacher of the Year, the two highest honors across the entire university. "On behalf of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, we sincerely hope to see you out as a family for this very important and informative FREE event. Everyone will leave with tools to help cope and deal with Cyber Bullying. If your son or daughter is connected to the internet, it is very likely that they have been bullied, or perhaps are the bully his or herself" said John Caputo; the Club's Secretary and President Elect. There will be refreshments and pizza for sale but admission is free for everyone. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # #
About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten:
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at
Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Donates to Haito![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – November 1, 2016 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten today in the presence of Rotary International’s President Elect Ian Riseley and District Governor Elect Robert Leger presented a check for $6,000 to support the relief efforts in Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew.
District Governor Elect Robert is from the western end of Haiti that was most affected by the storm that devastated the island about a month ago. A call for help went out to the Rotary Clubs around the world and their 1.2 million members. A special fund was established where clubs and the general public can contribute and request to earmark the donation to go towards either rebuilding schools or homes, or for more immediate relief such as potable water, medical supplies, etc.
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten chose to have the funds go towards the rebuilding of homes as it was quoted that with just $600 a simple home can be reconstructed. “With this donation, we know that we can provide adequate shelter for 10 families in need. “It is with great honor and hope for the country of Haiti that we present this check to you,” said President Henna Budhrani to an emotional and extremely thankful DGE Robert Leger.
“There have been echoes of concern in the community as to whether donations made towards Haiti relief actually get to those most in need. With the Rotary Foundation, we not only know that the funds are used as intended, but we get to see follow up with the difference that our donation has made. A Rotarian there, will ensure that we are kept abreast of progress, and share stories and photos of how we positively impacted many lives with these new homes,” said DGE Robert Leger after having been presented with the check on behalf of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten.
For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website
# # #
About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten:
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at
Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Continues Support for Education for Us All Foundation![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JULY 31, 2016 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten is pleased to announce that it has continued its support to the Education for Us All Foundation with the sponsorship of two scholarships for the new academic year. The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten President Henna Budhrani recently presented a check for US $6,000 to Tamara Leonard of the Education for Us All Foundation.
President Budhrani said, “We are proud to continue our sponsorship of this wonderful initiative to help students, who might not have the opportunity to continue their tertiary education. Our students are our future and we as Rotarians must do everything we can to strengthen the future of our community”.
The Education for Us All Foundation was established to help students who grew up on St. Maarten as legal residents, but for reasons of nationality, do not qualify for study financing. During the first year of operation, 7 students received scholarships from the Foundation.
For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website
# # #
About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten:
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at
Rotary Club of St. Maarten Names Three Rotarians of the Year![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JULY 2, 2016 – Mr. Pierre DeCelles, Mr. Kishore Idnani and Mr. Robert Judd were named as Rotarians of the Year by the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten during the Change of Board Celebration on Saturday, June 12th 2017 at the Dreams Beach Bar and Restaurant.
Outgoing Club President Jeffrey “Dr. Soc” Sochrin proudly recognized Messrs. DeCelles, Idnani and Judd for their outstanding and exemplary service to the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten and commitment to the Rotary motto, Service Above Self. Sochrin stated, “During my term as your President, there are three Rotarians that have always been there as my advisors, as my confidants, and most importantly, as my friends. It is simply impossible to select just one of these Rotarians as Rotarian of the Year, so I have decided to once again break with tradition and name all three men as our Rotarians of the Year. Combined, these three Rotarian have more than 65 years of service to Rotary, however, it is their individual commitments to always do whatever it takes to get the job done, that makes them our Rotarians of the Year”.
Pierre DeCelles came to Sint Maarten in 1980 and joined Rotary in 1995. He has served the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten twice as President and Secretary, multiple times as Vice President and in Director level roles in the areas of the Rotary Foundation and Vocational Service. Mr. DeCelles works as a Project Manager and is also the Canadian Consul on Dutch Sint Maarten. Pierre and his wife, Micheline, have been married for more than 50 years.
Kishore Idnani came to Sint Maarten in 1976 and joined Rotary in 1993. He has served the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten as President, Secretary and in many Director level and leadership roles in Community service and Club service. Mr. Idnani is Managing Director at Peace Cottage NV. He is married to Monica and has 2 sons.
Robert Judd came to Sint Maarten twice, first in 1994 and again in 2009. In 1995 he joined Rotary and has since served the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten as President, Vice President, Treasurer, Director of the Board and as an Advisor to Interact. Mr. Judd has held many leadership roles over his tenure as a Rotarian. He is a retired banker and father of two daughters and grandfather to three grandsons. He is married to his wife Sheriden.
All three men accepted the award of Rotarian of the Year and thanked President Jeffrey “Dr. Soc” Sochrin and the members of the Club for the honor.
For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website
# # #
About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten:
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at
Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Starts Its New Year at Dreams![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Henna Budhrani installed as 46th President
PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JUNE 18, 2016 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten kicked off its new Rotary year on Saturday, June 12th at The Dreams Beach Bar and Restaurant in Nettle Bay, St. Martin.
Outgoing President Jeffrey “Dr. Soc” Sochrin thanked the outgoing Board of Directors for their service and recounted the accomplishments of the past year. Sochrin explained, “This was a year of fun and a year of change for our Club. Of the more than ten projects accomplished, two of the projects stand out for me as impacting our community in new and fun ways. First, the Cardiology Conference, co-sponsored with Nagico Insurances and the Windward Islands Medical Association, paved the way for continuing medical education for medical professionals around the region and gave members of the public an opportunity to learn about cardiac disease and to ask questions to Cardiologists directly. Second, the Visiting Optometrists Serving Humanity or VOSH Project, brought free eye examinations and more than 3,000 pairs of eyeglasses to over 1,400 residents of our community. A special thank you to VOSH Team and Rick Cassidy for helping us make this happen”. Sochrin continued, “These programs were groundbreaking for our community and they demonstrated the true meaning of Service above Self and what it means to be a Rotarian. Thank you to everyone for making this experience one of the most rewarding experiences of my life”.
President Sochrin then officially turned over the reigns of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten to Henna Budhrani.
Henna eloquently stated, “We do not remember days; we remember moments. I consider myself very fortunate to be a part of Rotary through which I have been privileged to touch hearts and lives of our community through the benefits of fellowship”.
Newly installed President Budhrani introduced her new Board Members and Committee Chairpersons including: Secretary/President-elect John Caputo, Immediate Past President Jeffrey “Dr. Soc” Sochrin, Vice President Pierre DeCelles, Vice President Robert Judd, Treasurer Junior Gumbs, Sargent-at-Arms Franklyn Maynard, Anil Sabnani and Danny Ramchandani (Fundraising) Vrisha Motwani and Geeta Katnani (Fun & Fellowship), Larry Gregory (Disaster Relief), Sherylle de Haarte (Administration), Edward Bardfield (Technology Services), Melanie Daboul (Public Relations), Maayke Martina (Membership), James Ferris (New Generations) and Kishore Idnani (Service Projects).
Budhrani went on to say, “As we embark on the Rotary year 2016-2017 we have a number of exciting events planned which will continue to focus on education, literacy, the youth and the elderly”.
For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website
# # #
About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten:
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at
Rotary Club of Sint Maarten helps complete over 300 Eye Examinations and Distributes Free Glasses with the Volunteer Optometric Service to Humanity TeamMinister Lee and The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Encourages Kids to Come for Free Eye Exams and Glasses
Press Release - May 9, 2016 - Minister of Public Health, Social Development & Labor Emil Lee, would like to encourage parents to take their kids for free eye testing and glasses at the white & Yellow cross located in St. Johns Estate.
In support of the Volunteer Optometric Service to Humanity (VOSH),the Rotary club of St.Maarten organized an eye examination program to support their initiative on Sint Maarten which Is to provide free eye exams and eyeglasses to those who cannot afford it. Fourteen Colorado Members of VOSH was available to give their service.
On Monday May 9, many people took advantage of this opportunity and went to get their eyes checked. Minister of Public Health, Social development & Labor Emil Lee, visited and socialized with the attendees. Minister Lee stated: “my visit today was really touching. it was wonderful to see so many people turn up to take advantage of the very generous offer of VOSH to provide free eye exams and free glasses to our community's most needy. In the following days, I really hope so see a stronger turnout from the school children in particular. For school kids, the inability to see properly can translate into behavioral problems, slower learning and lack of motivation. Being able to see properly is a critical part of ensuring that our children can learn properly."
President of the Rotary Club of St.Maarten Mr. Jeffrey Sochrin was thrilled to announce that over 300 free eye examinations and free eye glasses were distributed during the first day of testing. “It is such a wonderful experience to be here at the white & yellow cross with the visiting VOSH team, for the first day of free eye exams for the Residence in St.Maarten in need. The Rotary club is so thrilled to support this initiative. We would like to thank all the Rotarians, all the visiting optometrists that came out to help from the US, all sponsors who made this happen, our friends at Dominoes, Rick Cassidy, and the summit & Ocean Club . Also a big thank you to the White & Yellow Cross who has been an excellent venue to hold this event , and we hope that they can do it for many years to come”.
Optometrist Dr.Kent Godfey said: “We are all just very happy to be here to help out the people on the island, by providing glasses. This morning we dispensed over 150 pairs of glasses to needy people including sunglasses, reading glasses, and things that they need to help them see and go on with their lives even better. It’s just so fun to be here and help out people” he stated.
"Projects like these are why I joined Rotary. Vision is often over looked as it usually does not fall within SZV or many insurances. A student will likely fall behind in his or her studies if he is unable to see clearly. Everything from reading to seeing the chalkboard requires good vision. I am very happy to be a part of this project. Free eye examinations and if needed Free Glasses. I’m glad we can help make a difference" said Rotarian John Caputo.
The general public especially kids, are invited for free eye exams on Tuesday May 10 and Wednesday May 11 from 9am – 5pm at the white and yellow cross located in St. Johns Estate. The public is advised to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity.
Rotary Club of Sint Maarten Commended by Ministry of Health |
Rotary Club of Sint Maarten partners with Visiting Optometrists![]() |
WORLDS GREATEST MEAL TO END POLIO NOWApril 1, 2016 - Dawn Beach, Sint Maarten - The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten designated its special FELLOWSHIP meeting as the "World's Greatest Meal to End Polio". $150 was rasied for the Rotary Foundation's END POLIO NOW campaign.
Earlyact, Interact and Rotary Add New Members in Big Numbers
PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – November 20, 2015 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, along with the Learning Unlimited Preparatory School Earlyact and Interact Clubs, held a joint induction ceremony on November 19th at Learning Unlimited.
Melanie Daboul, Ed Bardfield, Sherrylle De Haarte and Dimple Sagre all were formally inducted as members of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten by President Jeffrey “Soc” Sochrin in presence of Assistant Governor Louis Wever and Membership Committee Chair Maayke Martina. In addition, the Learning Unlimited Preparatory School Earlyact Club and Interact Club each installed its new Board of Directors and a number of new members. Present for this auspicious event were Rotary Advisors to Learning Unlimited, Henna Budhrani and Robert Judd, along with New Generations Committee Chair, James Ferris and Learning Unlimited Headmaster, Robert Gibson.
Leading the Interact Club at Learning Unlimited for the coming year is President Shivani Advani, Secretary/President-Elect Priti Budhrani, Vice President Amar Alwani, Sergeant-At-Arms Mohit Menghani, Treasurer, Hrithik Alwani, Club Service Chair Ashika Lakhwani, Finance Committee Chair Pritika Lakhwani, International Relations Chair Viren Baharani, Public Relations Chair Hanaya Merlet and Fundraising Chair Sanjana Mahtani. The following new members of the Interact Club were inducted: Anughya Bijlani, Sabrina Khemlani, Kahlua Marchant, Youri Cheri, Tushaar Goklani, Vikesh Mirpuri, Zeynep Uysal, Keya Pariani, Vanshi Ramchandani, Juliette Grea, Lou Meziere, Emily Sang, Zach Brook, Royal Ozkan, Jackson Leone, Katie Caputo.
Leading the Earlyact Club at Learning Unlimited for the coming year is President Sahil Khatnani, Secretary/President-Elect Drake Arielle Daboul, Vice President Summer Jean Morton, Vice President Riya Baharani, Treasurers Harsheeta Jadhav and Devesh Mirpuri, Fundraising Chairs Krish Chellani and Ishika Sadarangani and Club Service Chairs Cansu Killic and Aryan Notani. The following new members of the Earlyact Club were inducted: Aryan Jhangiani, Avinash Khemchandani, Cansu Kilic, Dev Sagre, Jaheim Meyers, Lilou Mouyal, Nathan Wijesiriwordance, Prena Kalra, Prena Ramchandani, Riana Jandial, Sanya Jandial. Rhoan Kalra, Savanah Ortega.
President Jeffrey “Soc” Sochrin said, “I am thrilled to see the strength of our new generation clubs at Learning Unlimited and I am encouraged by their plans to get involved in our community to make Service Above Self a reality. The addition of 4 new Rotarians, 16 new Interactors and 14 new Earlyactors speaks to the strength of Rotary not only here on Sint Maarten, but around the globe. Look forward to many new things from our Clubs as we continue to grow. I encourage adults and students alike to explore Rotary and to learn how they might become a member of the Rotary family”.
Keynote speaker, Stephen Thompson, a Past President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten and a Past Assistant Governor of Rotary District 7020 addressed the crowd of more than 125 attendees. Mr. Thompson challenged the new Rotarians, Interactors and Earlyactors to get involved! He said, “our success, your success will come from getting involved and making a difference”.
For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website
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About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten:
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at
PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – November 9, 2015 – The Rotary Club of St Maarten’s second annual Casino Night drew record numbers of participants at the recently held event at the Hollywood Casino. Over one hundred and fifty guests generously donated their time and funds to the event. After tallying all the ticket sales and donations, over $11,000 was raised for Rotary’s youth related projects.
Both the Texas Hold’em poker and bingo tables were filled to capacity with enthusiastic participants who enjoyed a lovely mid-evening buffet provided courtesy of L’Isola restaurant. Adding to the fun was a “wheel of chance”. The Texas Hold’em poker grand prize winner was Andy Westcott who walked away with $1500. Other prizes on offer included gift baskets of Dutch cheese, bottles of wine and spirits, day sailing trips, dinner vouchers, airline tickets, jewelry, and electronics. Major donors included Winair, Insel Air, Divi Little Bay Resort, and the Sonesta Maho and Great Bay hotels.
John Caputo, Rotary lead organizer of the event stated “St Maarten residents and visitors alike came out in great numbers to not only have a fun night but to also fuel the work Rotary does in our community. We are always thankful for their generosity.”
Jeffrey "Dr. Soc" Sochrin, President of the Rotary Club Sint Maarten, added "I simply wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone made this event possible. A special thank you goes to the Hollywood Casino for hosting us and running two fantastic tournaments. I must also say thank you to Rotary Team of John Caputo, Henna Budhrani, Vrisha Motwani, Geeta Khatnani and all the Rotarians present who helped organize a spectacular and FUN evening. Everyone's efforts will provide a great return to our community as we continue to educate our youth, feed the hungry and develop our community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you from the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten".
The proceeds raised from this event will be used to benefit youth programmes in St Maarten including after school programmes and scholarships.
For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website
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About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten:
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at
PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – October 2, 2015 – The Rotary Club of St. Maarten invites you to a wonderful evening of poker, bingo and excitement on Friday, October 23rd at the Hollywood Casino. According to Rotary Club of St. Maarten President Jeffrey Sochrin” For those that remember the event last year, it was a great time and was a new and exciting way to help raise funds for projects supported by the Rotary Club of St. Maarten particularly in the areas of Youth Literacy, Education, After School Programs, and Health/Nourishment.”
Sochrin continued, “Registration for the poker and bingo tournament begins at 6:30 pm, along with poker lessons, light snacks and cocktails. A $100 donation gets you $2,000 in poker chips or 5 bingo cards, along with an Italian buffet dinner during the breaks. The first place winner in poker will win a minimum cash prize of $1,500 and the bingo minimum cash is $2,000, not to mention many other prizes such as Hotel Stays, Airline Tickets, Excursions, etc. We encourage everyone to come out and join the fun”.
According to Rotarian John Caputo, organizer of the tournament, “This Texas Hold ‘Em and Bingo night is such a different fund raiser than the usual gala dinner. You have the opportunity to win cash and other great prizes all for a good cause. Everyone who came last year raved that it was a fantastic time. We are really looking forward to hosting it again this year and thank Hollywood Casino and all the businesses who helped sponsor prizes to help ensure everyone leaves a winner.”
Additional information and ticket (seat reservation) requests can be found by visiting the Rotary Club of St. Maarten on Facebook.
For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website
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POND ISLAND--The Rotary Club of St. Maarten donated a shipping container to the Little League to be used as a Science lab as part of their after school player development program. Before athletes in the program begin their baseball training they first receive help with their homework, read, do some math and will now also do science. Saturday, members of the Rotary joined the Little Leaguers in painting the container so the outside looks as good as the inside, which sports a microscope, fossils, telescope, electricity learning kit and a chemistry set. “This is why I joined Rotary,” said John Caputo from Domino's Pizza. He is also the chairman of the Rotary’s Service Projects Committee. “We help local community organisations by doing things.” Rotary members arrived at 10:00am and were scheduled to finish at noon. The plan was to paint the container blue with yellow trim, have a small lunch and play a quick game of softball against the children. Robert Judd and his wife Sheridan Moreton-Judd brought the sound system and provided music. There were coolers of beverages and the grill turned out hot dogs and hamburgers almost as fast as the young boys and girls could splash paint on themselves, some on the container and then take a break for more food. Despite the work, everyone had such a good time the “paint-party” did not end until 3:00pm. After touring the inside of the Science Lab Rotary President Jeffrey "Soc” Sochrin from Island 92 said. “This is really a good thing. I think we are going to have to get more involved.” Sherwin Williams St. Maarten donated the paint. |
ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN BEGINS NEW ROTARY YEAR THE FUN WAYFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN BEGINS NEW ROTARY YEAR THE FUN WAY Club distributes over $60,000, New Paul Harris Fellows Named, Sochrin installed as President PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JUNE 22, 2015 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten kicked off its new Rotary year on Saturday, June 20th at Captain Oliver’s Restaurant with a Rock & Blues Celebration featuring master guitarist Gianfranco and Christine Gordon along with rock band Church on Monday. Outgoing President Deepak “Danny” Ramchandani thanked the outgoing Board of Directors for their service and distributed more than $60,000 to worthy organizations on Sint Maarten, including the Catholic School Board After School Program, the Art Saves Lives Foundation, the Senior Citizens Computer Literacy Program, Scouting Antiano, the Pre-University of St. Maarten initiative, The ACE School, the Digikids Foundation, NewSTART for Children, the White & Yellow Cross, the Philipsburg Cultural Center and the Sint Maarten Little League. The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten also named Tom Burnett as a Paul Harris Fellow in recognition of his service to our youth on St. Maarten. Tom and his wife, Lisa Davis, run an after school program which uses the sport of Baseball as a way to help young adults focus on their academic studies through the Sint Maarten Little League. More than 50 young athletes from ages 8 to 18 participate in this after school program. The program was also the recipient of $6,000 from the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten to expand its facilities and accommodate more young athletes, as well as a donation of equipment including bats, two dozen baseballs and gloves. President Ramchandani then officially turned over the reigns of the Club to Jeffrey “Dr. Soc” Sochrin. Sochrin went on to present three additional Paul Harris Fellows. Posthumously, a Paul Harris Fellow was presented to Charles E. Southworth, Jr, a Past President of the Rotary Club of Nauset (Orleans), Massachusetts, USA, that was accepted by his son, Charles E. Southworth, III, a Sint Maarten resident and Island 92 radio personality, known on air as “Mr. S”. Sochrin then called upon the two men who taught him about serving others; his uncle, Gary Sochrin of the Rotary Club of Derby-Shelton Connecticut, and his father, Sumner Sochrin. He went on to present both men with Paul Harris Fellow Awards. To Gary Sochrin in recognition for his years of work with Rotary and to Sumner Sochrin, in recognition for more than 50 years of coaching young men in the sport of baseball at the high school and collegiate levels. Newly installed President Sochrin introduced his new Board Members and Committee Chairpersons including: Secretary/President-elect Henna Budhrani, Immediate Past President Deepak Ramchandani, Vice President Rebecca Low, Vice President Robert Judd, Treasurer Junior Gumbs, Sargent-at-Arms Franklyn Maynard, Director Pierre DeCelles, Vrisha Motwani and Geeta Katnani (The Fun Committee), Larry Gregory (Public Relations), Bonita Hart (Membership), James Ferris (New Generations) and John Caputo (Service Projects). Sochrin went on to say, “We have been asked by our District Governor and the Rotary International President to move from being successful to being significant and to be a gift to the world. We will do that together by continuing our focus on youth and continuing the great efforts that have become part of our local traditions. With this in mind and before we get started with the FUN part of the evening, I’d like to leave you with a few words that were shared with me from my very first boss in back in 1989. These words are attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson and they most fitting here. Let us together raise our glasses together”. Sochrin continued, “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; the leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded”. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at ==== PHOTO CUT LINE TomPHF: From Left to Right: Jeffrey "Dr. Soc" Sochrin, Tom Burnett, Lisa Davis, Danny Ramchandani |
ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN NAMES PIERRE DECELLES ROTARIAN OF THE YEARPHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JUNE 24, 2015 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten named Mr. Pierre DeCelles as its Rotarian of the Year during the Change of Board Celebration on Saturday, June 20th at Captain Oliver’s Restaurant. Outgoing Club President Deepak “Danny” Ramchandani proudly recognized Pierre DeCelles as Rotarian of the Year. Mr. Ramchandani said, “Whenever or wherever I am, if I call Pierre and ask for guidance, ideas, direction or help, Pierre is always there. The word “no” is not in Pierre DeCelles vocabulary. Pierre is and has been the backbone of our Club ever since he joined Rotary and there is no one more deserving than Pierre DeCelles to be named Rotarian of the Year”. Pierre DeCelles came to Sint Maarten in 1980 and joined Rotary in 1995. He has served the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten twice as President and Secretary, multiple times as Vice President and in Director level roles in the areas of the Rotary Foundation and Vocational Service. Mr. DeCelles works as a Project Manager and is also the Canadian Consul on Dutch Sint Maarten. Pierre and his wife, Micheline, have been married for almost 50 years. Incoming President, Jeffrey “Dr. Soc” Sochrin added, “Pierre has not only been an advisor to me over the past several years, he is a role model, a mentor and most importantly someone I am proud to call a friend”.
Mr. DeCelles accepted the award of Rotarian of the Year and thanked President Danny Ramchandani and the members of the Club for the honor. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN INDUCTS THREE NEW MEMBERSSAMUEL, SABNANI & MAIDASANI NOW ROTARIANS PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JUNE 20, 2015 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten inducted three new members at its weekly lunch meeting at the Divi Little Bay Resort on June 17, 2015. Club President Danny Ramchandani had the honor, along with President-Elect Jeffrey “Soc” Sochrin of welcoming these new Rotarians to the wonderful family of Rotary International. President Ramchandani reminded the new members of their responsibility of service above self and presented Mr. Rodolphe Samuel, Mr. Anil Sabnani and Mr. Sunil Maidasani with their Rotary pins. Mr. Samuel and Mr. Sabnani were formally pinned by President Ramchandani, their club sponsor and Mr. Maidasani was pinned by Damu Ratwani, his club sponsor.
For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
SPECIAL LUNCH FELLOWSHIP - WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 10, 2014WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2014 - SPECIAL LUNCH FELLOWSHIP AT CUGINI RESTAURANT - Welfare Rd #64, Cole Bay, next to Federal Express. Please remember to RSVP with the menu choice to Soc, Danny or Henna before 3 PM on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. |
Several members of the Rotary Club were present to receive the donation and President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, Danny Ramchandani, went on to say, “We are elated with this fantastic donation from Le Grand Marche. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. These funds will go directly to local students who have a genuine financial need to assist with payment of their annual school fees. We are already working with several local schools to identify students in need. Thank you Le Grand Marche, thank you to Proctor and Gamble and thank to all of the Le Grand Marche shoppers. Together, we will make a fantastic difference in the lives of as many young people as possible”. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
Tourist -who needs them- WE DO !!!!!MULTI YEAR PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN – Who Needs Tourists? We Do! TOURISM IS OUR BUSINESS PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – April 16, 2014 – Today the Rotary Club of St. Maarten announced a multi-year public awareness campaign, Tourism is Our Business, in an effort build a greater understanding amongst all members of our community of what makes our economic engine work. According to Maria Buncamper-Molanus, President of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, “Depending on which study you look at, somewhere between 80% and 90% of every dollar spent on St. Maarten comes from the tourism industry”. That means everyone who lives and works here relies on tourism to earn a living. So, who needs tourists? We do! Remember, wherever you work, wherever you play, wherever you go to school, tourism is our business”. This multi-year campaign was launched at the Rotary Club of St. Maarten’s weekly luncheon meeting at Divi Little Bay Resort, with an address from St. Maarten’s Minister of Tourism and Economic Affairs, the Honorable Ted Richardson. Mr. Richardson, told the members of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, “We are all St. Maarten, we all need tourists. I love Sint Maarten and we all need to let our visitors know they are important and we want them to come back and visit our island year round. You said it best with your campaign, tourism is our business. Mrs. Buncamper went on to explain, “I am pleased to kick off this multi-year campaign. This might just be one of the most important projects ever taken on by this Rotary Club. So, be prepared to be reminded about the importance of tourism everywhere you turn. I also want to thank MNO, our primary sponsor, for this all important awareness campaign. Without their support, none of this would be possible, so on behalf of our club, please accept a big thank you from all of us”. |
District Governors visit |
District Governor visit- May 2013- pictorial #1 |
The President's message- Sept 11th 2013Dear Friends, We welcome DG Jeremy and Michelle to St. Maarten and to our club, it is truly a treat to have them in our midst. I encourage you to show them our "Friendly Island" hospitality and attend all the wonderful functions that are planned. Our club has been busy during Membership & Retention Month and we have given meaning to the RI Theme of engagement. From our Club of The Month Report the following summary: Archiving:
Rotary Club Of St. Maarten donates USD 500 to the White & Yellow Cross for the Rehabilitation Center:
Rotary’s group study exchange contributes big financial support for the St. Maarten Nature Foundation:
Fellowship and membership recruitment:
Public Service Announcements:
Press Releases:
Thank you for your hard work and continued commitment to Rotary and to our club. Maria
PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 – Rotary Clubs in St Maarten/St Martin are pleased to announce the arrival of Rotary District Governor, Jeremy Hurst, and his wife Michelle to our island. DG Jeremy is responsible for leading over 80 clubs in Rotary District #7020 which spans 16 islands and 10 countries which include: the Bahamas (excluding Grand Bahama), Turks and Caicos, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, the US Virgin Islands, the British Virgin Islands, Haiti, Anguilla, St. Barthelmey, St. Martin and Sint Maarten. His Assistant Governor, Rebecca Low, of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, stated, “We are pleased to welcome DG Jeremy and Michelle to our shores. This is their first visit to our island and they will see first-hand Rotary in action. They have a packed agenda but a few examples of their activities include: participating in dictionary distribution to students; the Readers are Leaders initiative; touring the AUC facilities; and participating in the Learning Unlimited Preparatory School Interact Club Induction and Change of Board Ceremony. As part of official duties they will also be visiting each Rotary club, meeting with our exceptional young leaders from high school Interact Clubs, as well as our young professionals from the French and Dutch side Rotaract Clubs. As a motivator, DG Jeremy’s mission is to engage all aspects of Rotary in order to change lives.” The District Governor will be honored by at a cocktail reception on Wednesday, September 11th at 7pm at The Pointe Restaurant in the Sonesta Maho Resort
ROTARY’S GROUP STUDY EXCHANGE CONTRIBUTES BIG FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR THE ST. MAARTEN NATURE FOUNDATION PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN - AUGUST 27, 2013 – The Rotary Club of St. Maarten, on behalf of the Rotary’s Group Study Exchange Team from England and Rotary Clubs in Devon, England, presented a check for US $3,500 to the St. Maarten Nature Foundation to benefit the ongoing Junior Park Ranger program. The Group Study Exchange Program allows young professionals from around the world travel to other parts of the world to learn about local customs, history and their vocation in another environment. A team from St. Maarten, led by Assistant Governor Rebecca Low traveled to Devon, England and conversely a team from Devon, England came to St. Maarten with a vocational focus on Hospitality and Tourism. Rebecca Low commented, “this was a fantastic experience from a professional perspective, but also a great opportunity to make friendships around the world. One of the exceptional outcomes of Rotary's Group Study Exchange is that lifelong friendships and bonds are forged”. When the team from Devon, England (Rotary District 1170) came to St Maarten they spent a day on the water with the Tadzio Bervoets of the Nature Foundation learning all about St Maarten's ecology and marine biology as well as the role a strong, healthy environment plays in a tourism-based economy. This experience left the team with a desire to give back to St Maarten. As a result, over the last year the team, in collaboration with host Rotary clubs throughout Devon, held a series of fundraising "Caribbean nights." Caribbean food, drink and culture were on display as well as a formal presentation on the team's experiences here on St. Maarten and around the Caribbean. On a recent trip to Devon, England the team presented a check for US $3500 to Rotary Assistant Governor Rebecca Low during a Rotary Club of Ivybridge meeting. It was requested that the check be presented to the St Maarten Nature Foundation. These funds will be directed to the Junior Park Ranger program that teaches 13-17 year olds swimming skills, first aid, marine biology and leadership skills. Tadzio Bervoets of the St. Maarten Nature Foundation graciously accepted the donation and thanked the Rotarians around the world for their generosity. For more information please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
ROTARY’S ![]() PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN - AUGUST 27, 2013 – The Rotary Club of St. Maarten, on behalf of the Rotary’s Group Study Exchange Team from England and Rotary Clubs in Devon, England, presented a check for US $3,500 to the St. Maarten Nature Foundation to benefit the ongoing Junior Park Ranger program. The Group Study Exchange Program allows young professionals from around the world travel to other parts of the world to learn about local customs, history and their vocation in another environment. A team from St. Maarten, led by Assistant Governor Rebecca Low traveled to Devon, England and conversely a team from Devon, England came to St. Maarten with a vocational focus on Hospitality and Tourism. Rebecca Low commented, “this was a fantastic experience from a professional perspective, but also a great opportunity to make friendships around the world. One of the exceptional outcomes of Rotary's Group Study Exchange is that lifelong friendships and bonds are forged”. When the team from Devon, England (Rotary District 1170) came to St Maarten they spent a day on the water with the Tadzio Bervoets of the Nature Foundation learning all about St Maarten's ecology and marine biology as well as the role a strong, healthy environment plays in a tourism-based economy. This experience left the team with a desire to give back to St Maarten. As a result, over the last year the team, in collaboration with host Rotary clubs throughout Devon, held a series of fundraising "Caribbean nights." Caribbean food, drink and culture were on display as well as a formal presentation on the team's experiences here on St. Maarten and around the Caribbean. On a recent trip to Devon, England the team presented a check for US $3500 to Rotary Assistant Governor Rebecca Low during a Rotary Club of Ivybridge meeting. It was requested that the check be presented to the St Maarten Nature Foundation. These funds will be directed to the Junior Park Ranger program that teaches 13-17 year olds swimming skills, first aid, marine biology and leadership skills. Tadzio Bervoets of the St. Maarten Nature Foundation graciously accepted the donation and thanked the Rotarians around the world for their generosity. For more information please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
ROTARY CLUB OF ST. MAARTEN PRESENTS DONATION TO THE WHITE AND YELLOW CROSSFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN PRESENTS DONATION TO THE WHITE AND YELLOW CROSS FOUNDATION PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – AUGUST 14, 2013 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten today presented a donation in the amount $500 US to the White and Yellow Cross Foundation of Sint Maarten in support of its Rehabilitation Center. Immediate Past President of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, Robert Judd, and Vice President, Pierre DeCelles, presented the donation to Michel Soons of the White and Yellow Cross. Mr. Judd commented, “we are extremely proud to assist the White and Yellow Cross Foundation of Sint Maarten in their efforts provide world class rehabilitation services to people in need here on St. Maarten”. The White and Yellow Cross Foundation operates the St. Martin’s Home on the Dutch Side of the island. The St. Martin’s Home is a 60-bed nursing home facility in St. John Estate and offers traditional nursing home services, rehabilitation services, elder services and activities. Mr. Soons of the White and Yellow Cross thanked the Rotary Club for their generous donation and years of support, financial and otherwise, directed toward the elder community on the island. For more information please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
DISTRICT ROTARACT REPRESENTATIVE JULIE RAMCHANDANI ADDRESSES THE ROTARY CLUB OF ST. MAARTENFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DISTRICT ROTARACT REPRESENTATIVE JULIE RAMCHANDANI ADDRESSES THE ROTARY CLUB OF ST. MAARTEN - ENGAGE ROTARY – CHANGE LIVES - BUILD OUR FUTURE WITH VISION PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JULY 25, 2013 – Julie Ramchandani, the Rotaract District Representative for Rotary District 7020 addressed the Rotary Club of St. Maarten on Thursday, July 24 at Divi Little Bay Beach Hotel. Ms. Ramchandani, an educator by profession, from Kingston, Jamaica energized the luncheon crowd with her vision for the 2013 – 2014 Rotary Year. Similar to Rotary, Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30. Rotaract clubs are either community or university based, and they are sponsored by a local Rotary club. This makes them true “partners in service” and key members of the family of Rotary. As one of Rotary’s most significant and fastest-growing service programs, with more than 8,400 clubs in about 170 countries and geographical areas, Rotaract has become a worldwide phenomenon. All Rotaract efforts begin at the local, grassroots level, with members addressing their communities’ physical and social needs while promoting international understanding and peace through a framework of friendship and service. On St. Maarten/St. Martin, two Rotaract Clubs exist; Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise and Rotaract Saint Martin Nord. Ms. Ramchandani explained, “Rotaract across the district is leveraging the Rotary theme for the year, Engage Rotary and Change Lives, by Building Our Future with Vision, quite literally. Our District Project for 2013-2014 will be to provide eye care testing, and eyeglasses (VISION) to 100 children, in each territory of our District, to dramatically improve the lives of children (OUR FUTURE) with poor vision. This means the two Rotaract Clubs on St. Maarten/St. Martin will be able to provide a total of 200 children on the island with eye care testing and eyeglasses if necessary. We are very excited to kick off this project here on St. Maarten/St. Martin and across the district. Look for details coming soon from both of the Rotaract Clubs here on the island”. Maria Buncamper-Molanus, President of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, went on to say, “Using the energy of our Rotaractors across the district to help change lives with the gift of vision care, is a perfect example of engaging Rotary and changing lives that helps build our future together”. Continuing Mrs. Buncamper-Molanus thanked Julie for her visit, her presentation and presented her with a certificate of appreciation from the Rotary Club of St. Maarten. For more information please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
ROTARY CLUB OF ST. MAARTEN NAMES THREE AS PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS - Robert Dubourcq, Rebecca Low and Claudius Buncamper Recognized PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JUNE 18, 2013 – At its Annual Change of Board Gala, held on Saturday, June 8th at Infinity Restaurant at the Oyster Bay Resort, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten recognized three outstanding members of the community as Paul Harris Fellows. Paul Harris Fellow honorees must meet the high professional and high personal standards of Rotary. This year’s honorees are Robert Dubourcq, Rebecca Low and Claudius Buncamper, each being recognized for their specific talents in the arena of community service. For bestowing this honor the Rotary Club of St. Maarten made a contribution of US $3,000 on behalf of the honorees towards the Rotary Foundation, which goes towards the Annual Programs Fund, PolioPlus, or the Humanitarian Grants Program. Robert Dubourcq is no stranger to community and professional service to the island of St. Maarten. Mr. Dubourcq is a veteran of the Hospitality industry and after a 40-year career in hotel management on St. Maarten; he serves as the Executive Product Manager of St. Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA). The story doesn’t stop there; Robert founded the St. Maarten Hotel Association in 1970, which eventually would become the SHTA. He has represented St. Maarten on the Board of Directors of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association, in 2004 he was named the Caribbean Hotelier of the Year and he served as the President of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten in 1983/84. Rebecca Low hails from Canada and now calls St. Maarten her home. Rebecca would describe herself as a “passionate sailor gal”, but anyone who has worked with her knows she is passionate about serving her community. This is evident from her work in her native Canada where she held the position of Senior Advisor and Chief of Staff in the Canadian and Ontario governments. She was a Rotarian in Canada and quickly made the Rotary Club of St. Maarten her own when she moved to the island more than 6 years ago. She has served Rotary in so many capacities including Club Secretary, District Trainer, Vice President, and President to name just a few. Ms. Low is a volunteer with St. Maarten AIDS Foundation and she currently owns a boutique management consulting firm, Compass Consulting, working closely with Elite Properties on St. Maarten. Claudius Buncamper exemplifies community service. Mr. Buncamper has been a member of St. Maarten Lions Club since 1993. He has held the positions President and Secretary for multiple terms and he has served as a Board Member for 14 consecutive years. He most recently served as District Governor. In addition, Mr. Buncamper has served his island in public service. Claudius served as the Head of Public Works on St. Maarten, in 2007 he was appointed Deputy Director of the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Management and 2009 he was also named Head of New Works and Infrastructure Management. In 2010, with St. Maarten becoming a country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, he took on the tasks of Head of Infrastructure Management within the Ministry. Mr. Buncamper has served on numerous charitable foundation Boards as well as the Board of the St. Maarten Telecommunications Company. He was instrumental in establishing a Lions Club/Rotary Club joint protocol in support of Alzheimer’s Awareness as District Governor of the Lions Club. Finally, in 2005, Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands bestowed on Claudius Buncamper the decoration of “Member in the Order of Orange Nassau”. Robert Judd, the outgoing President of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, stated, “Robert Dubourcq, Rebecca Low and Claudius Buncamper have each upheld the high professional, personal and community standards of Rotary. Each has served our community in different ways that have made our sweet St. Maarten just a little bit sweeter. We recognize each of them individually as our newest Paul Harris Fellows”. Incoming President Maria Buncamper-Molanus commented on all the honorees as examples of “service above self” and the best that St. Maarten has to offer as evidenced by each of their long standing involvement in our community. For more information please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at:,, call +17215870506, visit the website or find us on Facebook. # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
ROTARY CLUB OF ST. MAARTEN CHANGE OF BOARD GALA A HUGE SUCCESS - Maria Buncamper-Molanus takes Helm as Rotary President - Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams Inducted as Honorary Member PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN - JUNE 8, 2013 – On Saturday evening, June 8th, Maria Buncamper-Molanus officially accepted the role of President of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, effective July 1, 2013 in the Infinity Restaurant at Oyster Bay Resort. Mrs. Buncamper-Molanus addressed the audience, “becoming a member of Rotary 11 years ago was special for me, and becoming president brings additional sentiments as my father, some 41 years ago on March 17, 1972 became a charter member of this very same club”. In her speech, Maria illustrated her plans to take the Rotary International theme of “Engage Rotary and Change Lives” and bring it closer to home. She went on to say, “If we are truly going to engage Rotary and change lives here on St. Maarten, we must address the challenges that exist in our community with respect to poverty and children who have special needs, like Autism and Attention Deficit Disorder, or any other challenge that causes them to learn differently. We do not simply write checks, we get involved and make a difference”. Outgoing President Robert Judd only had great things to say about Maria Buncamper-Molanus. Mr. Judd thanked Mrs. Buncamper-Molanus for her tireless efforts as Secretary and President-Elect for the past year. He also thanked all of the members of the outgoing Board for their hard work and dedication. One highlight of the evening was the induction of the Prime Minister, the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams, as an Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten. Mrs. Wescot-Williams graciously accepted the honor and was pinned by Maria Buncamper. In her short address to the audience, the Prime Minister said, “Thank you for this great honor. Through cooperation and working together, service clubs, like Rotary, can do so much. St. Maarten is better off today than many years ago because of this type of cooperation. St. Maarten is blessed”. For the new Rotary year, which begins on July 1, Mrs. Buncamper-Molanus has lined up a team of seasoned philanthropists to serve on her Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons. The new team is Robert Judd (Immediate Past President), Pierre Decelles (Vice President), Deepak (Danny) Ramchandani (Secretary and President-Elect) and Frederick Fleming (Treasurer). Further expanding the ranks, the Club Administration Committee will be chaired by Valda Woodley-Hazel, the Membership Committee will be chaired by Henna Budhrani, the Public Relations Committee will be chaired by Jeffrey Sochrin, the Service Projects Committee will be chaired by Marc Groeneveld, the Rotary Foundation Committee will be chaired by Rik Bergman and Max Pandt, and Franklyn Maynard will serve as Sergeant at Arms. Finally, the Strategic Planning Committee will consist of Maria Buncamper-Molanus, Rebecca Low, Danny Ramchandani and Jeffrey Sochrin. The evening continued with a silent auction and energetic entertainment from King Beau Beau and the Beaubettes. For more information please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
ROTARY CLUB OF ST. MAARTEN ANNOUNCES CHANGE OF BOARD GALA - Maria Buncamper to be Inducted as New President -Gala Dinner at Infinity Restaurant at Oyster Bay Resort PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – May 15, 2013 – The Rotary Club of St. Maarten announced today its annual Change of Board Ceremony and Gala Dinner. On June 8, 2013 Maria Buncamper-Molanus, will take the helm of St. Maarten’s oldest Rotary Club at a formal Gala Dinner at Infinity Restaurant in the Oyster Bay Resort at 7 PM. Tickets are US $95. Mrs. Buncamper is no stranger to community service. She served as the first woman president of the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as a board member of the Children First Foundation, the John Larmonie Center, the Philipsburg Cultural Center and most recently as Secretary and President-elect of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten. Professionally, Maria has been an exemplary public servant, holding positions of State Secretary, Member of Parliament, Island Council Member and Minister of Public Health, Labour and Social Affairs. Mrs. Buncamper holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of the Netherlands Antilles in Business Administration. When asked about her goals for the Rotary Club once she becomes President, Maria stated, “I really want to emphasize the theme of “engage rotary, save lives”. Engaging Rotary in the widest sense of the word is to become more involved with humanitarian work that we commit to do when we become part of the Rotary family. This means working with other Rotary Clubs and other community service organizations both locally and around the world. The results of engaging Rotary go far beyond its members or the local community, you will see us engaging rotary across our entire community, making our community and the world just a little bit better than when we started. I encourage everyone to join us June 8th at Infinity Restaurant for an evening of fun, food, laughter and friendship”. When asked about Maria, outgoing Rotary President Robert Judd said, “The Rotary Club of St. Maarten’s leadership and its goal of serving the community is in good hands. Maria will ensure that each member is engaged in the club activities as well as living our motto of “service above self “. Please see any Rotary Club of St. Maarten member for tickets or more information, email, visit or find us on Facebook. # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
President's Message![]()
Fellow Rotarians
It is Membership Month and with that in mind we have a challenge to enhance the membership experience and attract new members.
This challenge is not only to be taken on by the board and committee chairpersons, rather it is a challenge we should collectively embrace giving true meaning to our RI President Ron Burton’s theme of Engaging Rotarians and Changing lives.
In the Strategic Plan which we submitted to our District Governor Jeremy Hurst, we committed ourselves to a membership of 42. Granted at the time this commitment was made we counted 39 active members and two honorary members, while currently we have 34 active members and 3 honorary members.
I encourage you to get involved in all aspects of our club—don’t wait to be asked. I do ask for your cooperation and open-mindedness, especially if we attempt to do thinks a little differently than in the past. I look forward to our members ensuring that we operate within the Rotary Constitution and our Club’s Bi-Laws and give us a friendly nudge if we seem to be going off track.
So join the 2013-2014 Board and Committee’s in making this year a successful year, filled with worthy community projects as well as fun filled activities, great fellowship and growing friendships.
President Maria Buncamper-Molanus
Final word form the President 2012-2013![]()
What a year it has been and in retrospect it has gone by quickly. Once again due to our participation we successfully accomplished a great fund raising event; distributed some 700 dictionaries to 3rd grade students in 16 schools; re-activated MPC Interact & continued the strong showings at our other 2 clubs; distributed our annual Xmas baskets to the needy; held another eventful Xmas party for some less privileged children; entertained Seniors at their lagoon cruise; supplied a number of schools with water fountains; provided the library with needed computers; held field trips for the persons and staff at Sister Basilia; showed support for the caregivers at White & Yellow cross with hosting them to lunch; provided breakfast for needy children at a primary school; continued with our Alzheimer’s awareness program; assisted Junior Golf by providing an iPad; helped St Dominic’s students travel to Haiti on field trip; even coaxed the President into signing at the change of board; and who could forget RYLA. This is not all encompassing as I have missed a few. My fellow Rotarians these are some of our deeds for the community and we must be proud to be part of these givings. Proud because it is not just the money but the effort provided by all. The responsibility of the President should never be taken lightly and all of us must also remember that the task is not easy. Our club is blessed in that we have a number of active members as Past Presidents and the wisdom / experience available for guidance and assistance is mind boggling. This experience / knowledge is there for the pickings and it would be beneficial to all the new and not so new members to use these resources for the betterment of our club. With the participation of all club members the task of the Board becomes easy. We have 35 members and as a group we can accomplish even more. Remember your involvement in the Rotary Club of St Maarten is not just a weekly lunch meeting but is part of your commitment to fellowship, to service above self and integrity. I thank you all for your support during this year and to the Board members an extra special thank you. Let us make next year an even more successful year and all participate to change lives. I leave you with recital of the 4Way test: Is it the Truth Is it Fair to all concerned Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships Will it be Beneficial to all concerned Oh yeah- almost forget- AND “will each and every one of us live this motto in each and every interaction every day”. Thank you all. Robert Judd- President 2012-2103 |
Change of Board- new board 2013-2014![]() President- Maria Buncamper-Molanus President Elect / Secretary- Danny Ramchandani Immediate Past President- Robert Judd Vice-President- Pierre DeCelles Treasurer- Fred Fleming Membership- Henna Budhrani Sergeant-at-Arms- Franklyn Maynard Rotary Foundation- Rik Bergman Public Relations- Jeffery 'Soc' Sochrin Club Administration- Valda Woodley-Hazel Service Projects- Marc Groeneveld |
Important: District Conference Information LinkThe District Conference Planning Committee is trying to ensure that all Rotarians in District 7020 can access all information and register as easily as possible for this year's PETS and District Conference. The Committee has created a wonderful website with all the information about BVI, registering, the conference, basically everything Rotarians need to know about this upcoming event. To access the information please click on one of the following links: District Conference 2013 or
RYLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA KARAOKE NIGHT PICTURES!!!!!!!!!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Rotary Fundraising CAR RAFFLE makes Valentines 2013 very special for Minerva LawrenceCar raffle raises funds for Children’s Special Needs Projects Minerva Lawrence was the lucky winner of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten's Valentine's Day Car Raffle. In the company of Rotarians, supporters and under supervision of Notary Meridith Boekhoudt the winning ticket was drawn on the premises of Le Grand Marche on Bush Road at approximately 10:15 Thursday Morning. The car raffle which was launched in August last year aimed to raise funds for community service projects that in particular cater to special needs children, youth and the community in general. The red Hyundai i10 was provided at cost by Motor World allowing for most of the funds raised to go back to the community. President Robert Judd called the valentine's day winner who made her way to the location to collect her prize. The Rotary Club of St. Maarten would like to congratulate Minerva Lawrence on this very happy Valentine's day and thank Motor World and all who contributed towards making this fundraising a success. The club continues to carryout it's community service work and can do so because of the support of the community ![]() |
Rotary Club of St. Maarten Inducts two new members, District Governor 7020 Vance Lewis conducts ceremony
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten has two new members that where inducted during the lunch meeting on Wednesday February 13th at Divi Little Bay. Here for the opening of RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) DG Vance Lewis was on hand from Tortola, to conduct the induction ceremony assisted in the pinning ceremony by the Honorable Governor Eugene Holiday who was a member of this club and is currently a Honorary member.
Joining Rotary are Debbie Biscontini and Geeta Usha Khatnani. Debbie Biscontini has a PhD in Economics and taught economics for much of her career, her classification within Rotary is Economist. Mrs. Bisconiti is also a volunteer Treasurer with the Dawn Beach Estate Lots Foundation.
Geeta "Ushi" Khatnani is the owner and manager of Mr Tablecloth and has joined the Rotary Club of St. Maarten under the classification of Retail.Ushi has been on the island since 1980 and lives with her husband Pishu and has 2 children and is has been a member of the Indian Merchants Association. Both new Rotarians have already demonstrated their involvement in community service within and without the Rotary organization. Recently inducted Rotarian of the Mid Isle Club Veronica Jansen Webster joined the other new members in the ceremony.
The opportunity was also taken by chairman of the RYLA Task Force Mr. James Ferris to present the the RYLA program to District Governor Vance Lewis.
RYLA!! |
Rotary International District 7020 PETS websiteMay 14th to May 18th 2013, information can be found on their website!! |
Rotary Awareness Month (press release icw Ryl)St. Maarten January 22, 2013
Rotary Awareness Month (January 2013) Leadership and Peace through Cultural Diversity The Four Rotary Clubs on St. Maarten/Saint Martin are planning one of the largest Youth conferences St. Maarten has hosted for the second time called RYLA. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is Rotary's leadership training program for young people. RYLA participants can be ages 14-30, but most clubs and districts choose to focus on a narrower age range, such as 14-18 or 19-30. RYLA emphasizes leadership, citizenship, and personal growth, and aims to demonstrate Rotary's respect and concern for the youth, provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders, encourage leadership of youth by youth and recognize publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities. The St Maarten/St Martin hosted RYLA will take place February 14-17, 2013. The conference will target persons between the ages 14-17 years old from 10 countries in the Caribbean. In addition to Intercators from St. Maarten and Saint Martin, participants are expected to come from Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, Us Virgin Islands, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Island, Turks & Caicos and Anguilla. Between seventy and two hundred participants are expected to attend the conference and preparations are in full swing. Intercators on St. Maarten/Saint Martin are making their preparations for the Valentine’s weekend during which the 3 day conference will be held. The conference is being made possible through the generosity of sponsors such as CIBC, Nagico, Sol and Russell Bell Transportation. In addition to being fun filled and an opportunity to make new friends the young leaders will be brushing up on their leadership skills such as listening and feedback. Effective public speaking, conflict resolution, dealing with bullying in an assertive but non aggressive way and much more are on the agenda. But it’s not only the leadership skills that will be polished, also team-building, culture and challenge exercises as well as community services projects are part of this grand event. The evenings are filled with more relaxing yet exiting activities which will put vocal cords and dancing skills to the test. More details about RYLA and Interact Clubs can be found on Details such as registration for the St. Maarten/Saint Martin 2013 RYLA can be found on
SPONSORING ROTARY CLUB:_____________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________ Phone#: ____________________________
NAME APPLICANT: _____________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ____________________________________
NAME PARENTS: _____________________________________________________________
Mobile Phone : __________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Phone#: ____________________________
NAME SCHOOL : _________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone#: ____________________________
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CONTACT: NAME: ______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone #:____________________________________ Describe briefly your reasons for applying for this RYLA PEACE CONFERENCE ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Registration Fee US$ 150 and must be paid no later than February 5, 2013.
Flight Arrival Information: Date dd/mm/yy ;Time _____AM/______PM; Airline &Flight #___________
Flight Departure Information: Date dd/mm/yy ;Time _____AM/______PM; Airline &Flight #_________
Signature of Parent granting permission: _____________________________ Date:_________________
Signature of Applicant:________________________________ Date:______________________
Name of Sponsoring Rotary Club________________________________________
Student’s Guardian: Please print legibly on this form and return in registration packet
Name _________________________________Sex ______ Grade ________ Age ______ Address_________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ High School:_____________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name(s):__________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone # (______)_________________ Cell # (_____)_____________________ Family Physician’s Name ______________________Phone # (_____)_______________ Name of Primary Insurance Policy ___________________________________________ Date of last Tetanus shot ________________ Allergic to Tetanus Booster? ________ Participant Had: Appendix Removed ________ Medical Authorization Fainting Spells ________ Is participant taking any medication Asthma ________ that must be given?____________________ Heart Trouble _________ If yes, please fill out below: Convulsions ________ Medication: _________________________ Diabetes __________ Dosage _____________ Time ___________ Allergies to food or medicine? Activities to limit:_____________________ Specify: _________________ ____________________________________ Any other allergies? Specify: _________________ Other (i.e. recent traumatic injury)
I consent to ______________________________(hereinafter “my child”) participating in RYLA. My child has permission to engage in all prescribed activities, except as noted above by me. Parent/Guardian Name:______________________________Relationship: ___________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________ Other person to notify in case of an emergency_________________________________ Other emergency phone (______) _____________________ |
As a Participant in this RYLA PEACE CONFERENCE, I understand that: 1. I have made a commitment to attend the RYLA Conference and will be at my best behavior and will notify the leaders of the conference whenever there is a conflict Note: The RYLA Organizing committee or any associates will not be held liable for damages or loss of any of the abovementioned items. 8. Recreation activities are limited to those periods of the day and evening scheduled for such activities. |
RYLA Convention about to start (Feb 14-17) Register now!! IMPORTANT INFORMATION
Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)
Information Leaflet Important registration files can be found below on the website!! Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Mission Statement
R Y L A – “ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARDS” is a program designed to shape leadership skills in students who already possess and demonstrate outstanding leadership characteristics in their high school and community. RYLA Camp is a youth retreat with the main objective being to expose students to the many phases of leadership by learning from individuals who are already leaders in their community and businesses. Students attending the RYLA camp should leave the seminar with a better understanding of how to assume a positive leadership role in their school and community. OBJECTIVES The objectives of a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program are:
RYLA 2013 will be held Thursday through Sunday, February 14-17, 2013, at the Methodist Agogic Centre, Emancipation Ln. # 9, St. John's Estate, St. Maarten, Dutch Caribbean. Sessions might be held at the University of St. Martin. What you can expect:
What To Bring to RYLA Please bring the following: The following items are NOT allowed and may be confiscated for the duration of the camp. Emergency personnel will be at the camp all weekend
Alzheimer day Rotary meetingToday was a fantastic day for the Club and for the community. The spotlight was put firmly on the issues of Alzheimer's and dementia. Congratulations to ALL who participated in this very successful awareness campaign and special thanks again to Maria for leading the charge along with her outstanding committee. We wish the Sint Maarten Alzheimer's Foundation the very best in their work ahead. |
Lunch Meeting location movedAs the Toucan's Restaurant at the Divi Little Bay Beach Resort is under reservation, our weekly lunch meetings are held at the GreSonesta Great Bay Beach Resort, which is located very close to Divi. For details see the map. There is ample parking opposite and next to the hotel. |
Alzheimer Awareness T-shirts salesWe did it again; Last Saturday morning and afternoon many of us helped out selling the Alzheimer T-shirts, the proceeds will benefit the St. Maarten Alzheimer Foundation. Together we managed to sell approx. 200 T-shirts at Grand Marche at Bush Road and in Colebay. We won’t tell you all details, to made at least one customer convince to buy the right sized shirt. Alzheimer awareness information was handed out by Raymond Jesserun and other members of the St. Maarten Alzheimer Foundation. As usual management of Grand Marche helped us with the location, supplying tables and drinks and snacks to handout to interested visitors. Thank you for your support. The goal of selling for $5000 in proceeds have been reached, only 50 t-shirts are left. |
Senior Citizens cruise
The yearly Senior Citizens Cruise is in the preparation state again! This yearly event will be held on Saturday November 4th, 2006. All Rotarians are requested to participate.
-Former Assistant Governor Louis Wever to return for one year PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – JUNE 25, 2015 – A new Rotary Assistant Governor will be taking the helm on July 1 - the start of the new Rotary year. Former Assistant Governor, Louis Wever has been appointed for the 2015-16 year by incoming District Governor, Felix Stubbs from the Bahamas. Originally, Rotarian Ramesh Manek was to assume the role in July. Tragically he was killed in April while out for his morning exercise along Airport Road. The extremely popular Wever from the St Maarten MidIsle Club agreed to fill the role for the next Rotary year as a new Assistant Governor will be identified for the 2016-17 year. Rebecca Low, the islands’ first female Assistant Governor, completes her second year as AG and assumes the challenging role of Assistant District Trainer for District 7020 which covers ten countries and sixteen islands of the Northern Caribbean. Rebecca Low said, “It has been a tremendous honour to serve the six clubs in our area and to see the growth of Rotary in our communities over the last two years. In particular, it has been wonderful to see the Family of Rotary grow through the creation of new EarlyAct and Interact clubs. One other standout memory is the fact we hosted one of the first Vocational Training Teams in the world in our area this March. Watching these Rotarians and non-Rotarians work with kids in and out of school really showed the impact that Rotary can make in young lives.” In her new role, Low will provided enhanced training in both English and French through seminars and webinars to the 84 clubs in the District. The role of Assistant Governor (AG) is to represent the District Governor in their geographic area. In this instance, the AG works closely with clubs in Anguilla, St Barths, St Maarten and St Martin. The AG is appointed by each District Governor and may be re-appointed for up to three years # # # For more information, contact Rebecca A. Low, Assistant Governor (Anguilla/St Barths/St Maarten/St Martin) at |
ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN ANNOUNCES ANNUAL CHANGE OF BOARD GALA AT CAPTAIN OLIVER’SFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ROTARY CLUB OF SINT MAARTEN ANNOUNCES ANNUAL CHANGE OF BOARD GALA AT CAPTAIN OLIVER’S “Rock & Blues” Change of Board Celebration Fundraiser at Captain Oliver’s on June 20th at 7 PM PHILIPSBURG, SINT MAARTEN – June 8, 2015 – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, announces its Annual ROCK & BLUES Change of the Board Celebration Fundraiser on June 20th at the Captain Oliver’s Restaurant. This year’s event is sponsored by the letter “F” for FUN; bring your dancing shoes and be ready to rock all night with Gianfranco, Christine Gordon and St. Maarten’s favorite rock band, Church on Monday. There will be an Open Bar and Grand Buffet for all to enjoy, along with a Blue Water Rum tasting. Proceeds from the evening’s event will support Rotary initiatives in areas of youth, health, education and community development programs on Sint Maarten. The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten has had a fantastically successful year making contributions to the betterment of the island, with projects ranging from school tuition scholarships, improvements to school facilities to spending time with our senior citizens and providing breakfasts to young students in need. Outgoing President Danny Ramchandani said, “this year has been a historic year for our Club with the recent raffle of a beautiful Audi Q5 being the single largest fundraiser in our history. Come to our Change of Board Celebration Fundraiser to learn more about some the exciting projects that will be funded by this initiative”. Incoming President, Jeffrey “Soc” Sochrin continued, “the success of the recent car raffle will uniquely position our Club to make a difference in the community in the coming year. It is my intention to continue so many great initiatives, but also find a way to involve more young people in our service activities by introducing an element of FUN and FELLOWSHIP in everything we do as a Club. So please contact any Rotarian or email to purchase a ticket to our Rock & Blues Change of Board Celebration on June 20th at Captain Oliver’s. The fun starts at 7 PM sharp and the entertainment will be great with Gianfranco, Christine Gordon and Church on Monday. Tickets are just US $100 and include an OPEN BAR and the full Captain Oliver’s GRAND BUFFET. This is going to be a night to remember”. For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: or visit the website # # # About the Rotary Club of St. Maarten: The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972, as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
ACE Christmas event December 12th- Hosted by Rotary![]() |
Minister Lake happy Rotary Club of Sint Maarten to beautify and maintain Simpson Bay Village Round-a-bout
On Friday, Rotarian Ramchandani said: "On behalf of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten I want to thank the ‘back to basics’ Honorable Minister Lake for believing in the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten and the service projects that Rotarians do on behalf of the community. “We are very proud to display the Rotary International marquee on the roundabout. We look forward to displaying the Rotary 4 Way Test and to further beautifying the roundabout. Thank you." Minister Lake said that it was part of his back to basics approach where well-grounded Sint Maarten community organizations can assist with maintaining some of the public infrastructure. “Service clubs are already playing a very important role in our community by organizing various activities in order to donate to different causes. “I commend the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten for wanting to adopt the Simpson Bay Village Round-a-bout where the service club would be able to beautify and maintain the area around it. It is in key location where tourists who arrive by plane will see it on their way to their hotel. “Cruise passengers also pass there as well during their tour, so beautification and keeping it well maintained will further add to the improvement in our tourism product,” Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Friday. The Rotary Club of St. Maarten was chartered on March 17, 1972 as result of a September 1970 meeting to form a club on the island. Since its formation, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten has grown in membership and has assisted in the formation of new clubs in the District, including Anguilla (1978), St. Martin Nord (1988), St. Martin Mid-Isle (1997) and St. Martin Sunrise (2004). For more information, visit the club website at |
LUNCHMEETING NOVEMBER 13th 2013 POSTPONEDThe Royal family will be accommodated at the Divi Little Bay resort during their visit which will limit our accessibility to the resort for our regular lunchmeeting, therefore tomorrow’s lunch meeting will be rescheduled. |
"MPC Interact Club hosts successful recruitment drive"President Ger-Dwina Browne assisted by Secretary Rainer Ranis, Treasurer Ikmareka Hunt and Community Director Catherine de Windt organized a recruitment drive on Friday last at Carl & Sons.
Students of MPC who where identified as having leadership potential were invited and provided with a power point presentation in which information was shared of what Interact is all about and the Community Service, fundraising activities and fellowship that the Milton Peters College Interact club has been involved in over the past 3 years. Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people ages 12 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting. The MPC, St. Maarten Academy and Learning Unlimited Interact Clubs are sponsored by The Rotary Club of St. Maarten, while the St. Dominic High School Club is sponsored by St. Maarten Mid Isle Rotary Club. Club membership varies greatly. Clubs can be single gender or mixed, large or small. They can draw from the student body of a single school or from two or more schools in the same community. Each year, Interact clubs complete at least two community service projects, one of which furthers international understanding and goodwill. Through these efforts, Interactors develop a network of friendships with local and overseas clubs and learn the importance of , leadership skills and personal integrity, being helpful and respectful to others taking on individual responsibility as well as hard work and understanding that all this and goodwill goes beyond the local geographical boarders. As one of the most significant and fastest-growing programs of Rotary service, with more than 10,700 clubs in 109 countries and geographical areas, Interact has become a worldwide phenomenon. Almost 200,000 young people are involved in Interact.The recruitment drive resulted in 23 students of the Milton Peters College signing up to be Interactors. The official ceremony will be organized shortly. Anyone interested in joining an Interact Club should contact any member of the Rotary Family for more information.
Alzheimer's AwarenessAlzheimer's Awareness and Joint Protocol with Lions Club. · On August 13th 2012, Secretary/President Elect Maria Buncamper-Molanus made a presentation at the ADI conference at Sonesta Greatbay Hotel. The presentation covered the 3 month Alzheimer’s Awareness Campaign which was held June 2012 through September 2012. This project was done in collaboration with the St. Maarten Alzheimer’s Foundation and included: Billboards, TV Billboards, PSA’s Radio and TV, Radio Programs, Newspaper ads, Interviews Radio and TV, Bumper Magnets, News paper articles
Press releases titled: a) 10 signs of A; (b) Alzheimer’s Checklist (c) Coping with Alzheimer’ (d) Every Day Care Alzheimer’s (f) Food For Thought (g) Rotary Recognizes Faces of Dementia (h) Stages Of Alzheimer’s (i) The Alzheimer’s Discussion Continues (j) Understanding Aggression (k) Wandering (L). What Is Alzheimer’s. · On August 14th 2012 DG Rotary 7020 Vance Lewis and DG Lions 60B Claudius Buncamper sign cooperation Protocol with Alzheimer’s Decease International on St. Maarten emphasizing the awareness and advocacy in the English speaking Caribbean. The Rotary Alzheimer’s Public Service Announcements have been redone to include St Maarten Lions Club and is being aired.
Students presented an interesting brief on their visit and work in HaitiSt. Dominic High School students return from Haiti visit Principal Gianne de Weever and five students from “St. Dominic's Heart for Haiti program” visited the club and presented a summary of their visit. |
Dictionaries distributedLiteracy – Dictionaries distribution 4 years consecutively · For the 4th consecutive year the distribution of dictionaries to grade 3 students in St Maarten has started and will continue in October; · This year over 700 English dictionaries will be provided to students in 16 primary schools during September and October 2012. · The Rotary Club of St. Maarten purchases special student dictionaries through the non-profit organization, The Dictionary Project. · Corporate sponsorship from Shams (Super Plaza) for freight. · Distribution at the first school was done live on popular local radio station : Island92 FM · Press Release: o To all local media and the district after four more schools were visited on September 27th. o Posted on Facebook – Rotary Club of St. Maarten · YouTube video of one of 3 schools visited on September 28th. o o o |
The Great St Maarten Bazaar - a Great Success!![]()
A big thank you goes out to shoppers four and five rows deep, who partook in the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten's "Great St Maarten Bazaar" over the weekend. Goods on sale included new and gently-used designer clothing, house wares, books, furniture and plants. As a result of the support given by so many in our community, the day's efforts raised approximately $4,000 that will benefit the pediatric ward of the St Maarten Medical Centre. Vice President of the Club, Rebecca Low said, "As Rotarians, we are always looking at ways we can help build a stronger St Maarten. One of those ways is to ensure that we have a world-class hospital. Through our efforts here, and our upcoming fundraiser on Oasis of the Seas, we plan on making some special donations that will benefit the babies born here." Visiting Rotarians from the United States joined together with Club members and high school students from Rotary's Interact Club at Milton Peters College. The Rotary Club wishes to thank Le Grand Marche and Prime Distributors for their continued support of grassroots organizations in St Maarten, as well as the general public without whose support the many fundraising events, such as "The Great St. Maarten Bazaar" would not be possible. |
On board at Oasis of the Seas![]() With only 100 tickets printed this is going to be the hottest ticket around. $150 per person including a sumptuous lunch and tour of the world's largest cruise ship. A site to behold! |
The Great Sint Maarten Bazaar |
Mr. Imran Mac Sood guest speaker |
Rotaract in district 7020
District 7020 Rotaract Conference on June 4 - 8, 2009 in St. Maarten
Commissioners of Police as guest speakers
This Wednesday November 19 we had very important speakers. Commissioner of Police Mr. Richard Panneflek gave a detailed account of Police activities and prevention programs instituted to minimize crime on our beautiful Island St.Maarten.
Rotary Essay Contest
Wednesday October 12th, the winner of the 4 way test competition among the Interactors of the Learning Unlimited School and St. Maarten Academy were our guests at the lunch meeting the winners and runner ups read their essays in full. The quality of their effort was phenomenal. We often hear of young people not really making an effort to upgrade themselves but, this is not the case with these brilliant students. They have a great future ahead of them. |
Animal Charitable Foundation
Jeffrey Sochrin was our guest speaker on Wednesday October 15th. Jeffrey, a long time visitor to Sint Maarten,and now a resident , spoke about Animal Charitable Foundation. It was amazing to hear how he raised funds to donate to two animal foundations on the island by having a great time racing at the Heineken Regatta for the past years.We at Rotary appreciate persons like Jeffrey that make such contributions without asking anything back.Thank you again.
St. Maarten Interacters in RYLA
Rotarian Jim introduced 4 Interactors. They were part of the group that attended the RYLA conference in Trinidad. According to Jim and the Interactors themselves it was a very fruitful and rewarding experience. Janushka Mukhi gave a presentation of the conference topic: "Family and Young People". The other interactors were: Justyn Browne, Carmen Milliard and Fern Querin. Our Club sponsored the trip, and gave the opportunity to young leaders of tomorrow to interact with other young leaders of the Caribbean.
Rotarian Joel Brint, guest speaker on September 3,  In the picture Joel (r) receiving his well deserved Certificate of appreciation from President Bobby (l). |
Stephen's Scribbles RCSM Year 38 Art. 1![]() During the second lunch meeting in this new Rotary year, our fellow Rotarian Stephen Thompson highlighted us on information on Rotary International. Stephen also writes articles in our newsletter "The Leader" Follow the the link to "Stephen's Scribbles RCSM Year 38 Art. 1".
Change of Board Dinner 2008![]() Our change of board dinner on Saturday evening was truely a gala affair with everybody sporting their most elegant outfits. The MC, Michael Ferrier, was his usual jovial self and kept everything moving along. Bobby Velasquez, the incoming President, effortlessly achieved the fundraising goal of $3000 for D.A.R.E. program in order to buy a number of computers for children. The silent auction was a great success with some people even seemingly want to fight to get their last bid in. It was really a pleasant surprise as well as a joyous occasion to see Bonita Hart who had come from Dubai for this event. To her surprise she also received a Paul Harris award. An enjoyable time was had by all. |
Spouses night at Spiga Restaurant
As is customary the lunch meeting of the fifth Wednesday in November was cancelledand a spouses night was organized. Livio suggested a dinner at Spiga Restaurant. Fourteen members showed up, most with spouse or friends. The result was a nice relaxed evening with excellent food and wine, great ambiance, and very important Rotary fellowship. Those were who could not make it, missed a wonderful evening.
All downloadable documents are PDF format![]() To be able to open the document you will need Acrobat Reader. If do not have this program installed on your computer, you can download it here and install Acrobat Reader on your computer. |
Photos uploaded on the websitePhotos from the Change of Board party and the Tour of the new airport terminal building have been uploaded on the website. See the links on the home page to the photo pages. |
Welcome to our club website!![]() We are all excited to see how ClubRunner will revolutionize the way we manage our day to day club activities, as well as communicate more effectively. |